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  Team history: INVICTUS FC 32970 †

Season Date Event
1 (0/112) 2010-06-01 Team was assigned to a manager - manuboveda
1 (5/112) 2010-06-11 Team folded - manuboveda
1 (16/112) 2010-06-22 Team was assigned to a manager - geoxeneize
1 (56/112) 2010-08-01 Team folded - geoxeneize
1 (76/112) 2010-08-21 Team was assigned to a manager - manyita
1 (97/112) 2010-09-11 Team folded - manyita
4 (3/112) 2011-05-11 Team was assigned to a manager - cartucho007
4 (26/112) 2011-06-03 Team folded - cartucho007
4 (45/112) 2011-06-22 Team was assigned to a manager - Niicoo Diaz
4 (68/112) 2011-07-15 Team folded - Niicoo Diaz
4 (73/112) 2011-07-20 Team was assigned to a manager - osva23
4 (96/112) 2011-08-12 Team folded - osva23
4 (101/112) 2011-08-17 Team was assigned to a manager - maximanya
5 (12/112) 2011-09-09 Team folded - maximanya
5 (13/112) 2011-09-10 Team was assigned to a manager - hola123
5 (38/112) 2011-10-05 Team folded - hola123
5 (51/112) 2011-10-18 Team was assigned to a manager - Luis Nastasi
5 (74/112) 2011-11-10 Team folded - Luis Nastasi
5 (85/112) 2011-11-21 Team was assigned to a manager - eldemonio
6 (18/112) 2012-01-05 Team folded - eldemonio
6 (23/112) 2012-01-10 Team was assigned to a manager - nachonal
6 (46/112) 2012-02-02 Team folded - nachonal
6 (64/112) 2012-02-20 Team was assigned to a manager - Innella
6 (88/112) 2012-03-15 Team folded - Innella
6 (97/112) 2012-03-24 Team was assigned to a manager - Ezequiel Souza
7 (8/112) 2012-04-16 Team folded - Ezequiel Souza
7 (30/112) 2012-05-08 Team was assigned to a manager - diego0289
7 (53/112) 2012-05-31 Team folded - diego0289
7 (55/112) 2012-06-02 Team was assigned to a manager - fede1015
7 (79/112) 2012-06-26 Team folded - fede1015
7 (90/112) 2012-07-07 Team was assigned to a manager - pedro07032002
8 (2/112) 2012-07-31 Team folded - pedro07032002
8 (10/112) 2012-08-08 Team was assigned to a manager - Crisss48
8 (34/112) 2012-09-01 Team folded - Crisss48
8 (35/112) 2012-09-02 Team was assigned to a manager - tonybolso84
8 (58/112) 2012-09-25 Team folded - tonybolso84
8 (61/112) 2012-09-28 Team was assigned to a manager - NahuelSebastian
8 (85/112) 2012-10-22 Team folded - NahuelSebastian
8 (90/112) 2012-10-27 Team was assigned to a manager - Faqndosilva
9 (1/112) 2012-11-19 Team folded - Faqndosilva
9 (21/112) 2012-12-09 Team was assigned to a manager - hitlersatanico
9 (45/112) 2013-01-02 Team folded - hitlersatanico
9 (47/112) 2013-01-04 Team was assigned to a manager - facmen14
9 (71/112) 2013-01-28 Team folded - facmen14
9 (76/112) 2013-02-02 Team was assigned to a manager - kingpichimen
9 (100/112) 2013-02-26 Team folded - kingpichimen
10 (13/112) 2013-03-23 Team was assigned to a manager - Guadalupe
10 (36/112) 2013-04-15 Team folded - Guadalupe
10 (52/112) 2013-05-01 Team was assigned to a manager - leandro0099
10 (75/112) 2013-05-24 Team folded - leandro0099
10 (84/112) 2013-06-02 Team was assigned to a manager - Cymaco93
10 (107/112) 2013-06-25 Team folded - Cymaco93
11 (1/112) 2013-07-01 Team was assigned to a manager - bautista arandda
11 (24/112) 2013-07-24 Team folded - bautista arandda
11 (30/112) 2013-07-30 Team was assigned to a manager - andres702
11 (53/112) 2013-08-22 Team folded - andres702
12 (41/112) 2013-11-30 Team was assigned to a manager - pocho13
12 (64/112) 2013-12-23 Team folded - pocho13
12 (67/112) 2013-12-26 Team was assigned to a manager - elcana2014
12 (90/112) 2014-01-18 Team folded - elcana2014
12 (97/112) 2014-01-25 Team was assigned to a manager - joe2001manya
13 (8/112) 2014-02-17 Team folded - joe2001manya
13 (8/112) 2014-02-17 Team was assigned to a manager - charruti
13 (31/112) 2014-03-12 Team folded - charruti
13 (32/112) 2014-03-13 Team was assigned to a manager - Pequeño Lucky
13 (56/112) 2014-04-06 Team folded - Pequeño Lucky
13 (58/112) 2014-04-08 Team was assigned to a manager - LaCamorra
13 (81/112) 2014-05-01 Team folded - LaCamorra
13 (84/112) 2014-05-04 Team was assigned to a manager - GaboMedina
13 (107/112) 2014-05-27 Team folded - GaboMedina
13 (111/112) 2014-05-31 Team was assigned to a manager - jorge432
14 (23/112) 2014-06-24 Team folded - jorge432
14 (29/112) 2014-06-30 Team was assigned to a manager - Nahuel Gutierrez
14 (52/112) 2014-07-23 Team folded - Nahuel Gutierrez
14 (59/112) 2014-07-30 Team was assigned to a manager - timoteoferreira
14 (82/112) 2014-08-22 Team folded - timoteoferreira
14 (83/112) 2014-08-23 Team was assigned to a manager - ivan mateo
14 (107/112) 2014-09-16 Team folded - ivan mateo
14 (111/112) 2014-09-20 Team was assigned to a manager - Amsterdam FC
15 (23/112) 2014-10-14 Team folded - Amsterdam FC
15 (24/112) 2014-10-15 Team was assigned to a manager - desmjyvs
15 (47/112) 2014-11-07 Team folded - desmjyvs
15 (58/112) 2014-11-18 Team was assigned to a manager - fefe4412
15 (81/112) 2014-12-11 Team folded - fefe4412
15 (92/112) 2014-12-22 Team was assigned to a manager - soyhola22
16 (4/112) 2015-01-15 Team folded - soyhola22
16 (11/112) 2015-01-22 Team was assigned to a manager - Sebaaah
16 (34/112) 2015-02-14 Team folded - Sebaaah
16 (39/112) 2015-02-19 Team was assigned to a manager - sebael100
16 (62/112) 2015-03-14 Team folded - sebael100
16 (69/112) 2015-03-21 Team was assigned to a manager - lucas gularte
16 (92/112) 2015-04-13 Team folded - lucas gularte
16 (95/112) 2015-04-16 Team was assigned to a manager - niko tzitzios
17 (6/112) 2015-05-09 Team folded - niko tzitzios
17 (9/112) 2015-05-12 Team was assigned to a manager - CarolinaPais
17 (32/112) 2015-06-04 Team folded - CarolinaPais
17 (34/112) 2015-06-06 Team was assigned to a manager - Branndon Medero Rodriguez
17 (58/112) 2015-06-30 Team folded - Branndon Medero Rodriguez
17 (63/112) 2015-07-05 Team was assigned to a manager - diegodocarmo14
17 (86/112) 2015-07-28 Team folded - diegodocarmo14
17 (99/112) 2015-08-10 Team was assigned to a manager - Jackson Carbonéé
18 (11/112) 2015-09-03 Team folded - Jackson Carbonéé
18 (11/112) 2015-09-03 Team was assigned to a manager - juanpi777
18 (35/112) 2015-09-27 Team folded - juanpi777
18 (41/112) 2015-10-03 Team was assigned to a manager - MartinAyala7
18 (65/112) 2015-10-27 Team folded - MartinAyala7
18 (74/112) 2015-11-05 Team was assigned to a manager - lucasramo
18 (97/112) 2015-11-28 Team folded - lucasramo
18 (105/112) 2015-12-06 Team was assigned to a manager - XD5000
19 (16/112) 2015-12-29 Team folded - XD5000
19 (38/112) 2016-01-20 Team was assigned to a manager - PachoBolso
19 (61/112) 2016-02-12 Team folded - PachoBolso
19 (62/112) 2016-02-13 Team was assigned to a manager - Adrian Heredia Lanchez
19 (85/112) 2016-03-07 Team folded - Adrian Heredia Lanchez
19 (102/112) 2016-03-24 Team was assigned to a manager - victorsi
20 (13/112) 2016-04-16 Team folded - victorsi
20 (13/112) 2016-04-16 Team was assigned to a manager - eiiyomanu1
20 (37/112) 2016-05-10 Team folded - eiiyomanu1
20 (52/112) 2016-05-25 Team was assigned to a manager - ELRONIPARAVOS
20 (75/112) 2016-06-17 Team folded - ELRONIPARAVOS
20 (84/112) 2016-06-26 Team was assigned to a manager - aguscachita
20 (107/112) 2016-07-19 Team folded - aguscachita
20 (112/112) 2016-07-24 Team was assigned to a manager - marcelginzo
21 (24/112) 2016-08-17 Team folded - marcelginzo

Season Team name Results
46 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 12 in the League Cup.
Rank 12 in league Uruguay II.4.
45 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 9 in the League Cup.
Rank 2 in league Uruguay II.4.
44 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 17 in league Uruguay II.4.
43 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 16 in the League Cup.
Rank 12 in league Uruguay II.4.
42 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 22 in league Uruguay II.4.
41 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 2 in the League Cup.
Rank 4 in league Uruguay II.4.
40 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 9 in the League Cup.
Rank 8 in league Uruguay II.4.
39 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 15 in the League Cup.
Rank 15 in league Uruguay II.4.
38 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 18 in league Uruguay II.4.
37 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 18 in league Uruguay II.4.
36 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 21 in league Uruguay II.4.
35 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 22 in league Uruguay II.4.
34 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 19 in league Uruguay II.4.
33 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 10 in the League Cup.
Rank 9 in league Uruguay II.4.
32 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 3 in the League Cup.
Rank 7 in league Uruguay II.4.
31 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 16 in the League Cup.
Rank 15 in league Uruguay II.4.
30 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in the round of last 16 of the National Cup.
Rank 7 in the League Cup.
Rank 10 in league Uruguay II.4.
29 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 5 in the League Cup.
Rank 8 in league Uruguay II.4.
28 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 12 in the League Cup.
Rank 6 in league Uruguay II.4.
27 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 4 in the League Cup.
Rank 4 in league Uruguay II.4.
26 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 9 in the League Cup.
Rank 11 in league Uruguay II.4.
25 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 19 in league Uruguay II.4.
24 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Rank 4 in the League Cup.
Rank 4 in league Uruguay II.4.
23 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Rank 6 in the League Cup.
Rank 13 in league Uruguay II.4.
22 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Rank 5 in the League Cup.
Rank 7 in league Uruguay II.4.
21 INVICTUS FC 32970 † Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 6 in the League Cup.
Moved to league Uruguay II.4 by the football association.
Rank 7 in league Uruguay II.2.
20 agusyato Eliminated in the round of last 16 of the National Cup.
Rank 5 in the League Cup.
Rank 10 in league Uruguay II.2.
19 MEdicen0veja† Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 18 in league Uruguay II.2.
18 lucas 32970 † Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 8 in the League Cup.
Rank 16 in league Uruguay II.2.
17 cerro† Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 10 in the League Cup.
Rank 11 in league Uruguay II.2.
16 La Curva Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 17 in league Uruguay II.2.
15 nacionalttytyty Eliminated in round 3 of the National Cup.
Rank 15 in the League Cup.
Rank 10 in league Uruguay II.2.
14 los tigres rojos Eliminated in round 3 of the National Cup.
Rank 8 in the League Cup.
Rank 11 in league Uruguay II.2.
13 Montevideo FC Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 7 in the League Cup.
Moved to league Uruguay II.2 by the football association.
Rank 13 in league Uruguay III.2.
12 C. A. Peñarol Rank 17 in league Uruguay III.2.
11 Atl.Melence† Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Relegation to league Uruguay III.2.
Lost in the relegation round of league Uruguay II.2.
Rank 20 in league Uruguay II.2.
10 Team noname 32970 Rank 129 in the National Cup.
Rank 20 in league Uruguay II.2.
9 Team noname 32970 Rank 129 in the National Cup.
Rank 8 in the League Cup.
Rank 5 in league Uruguay II.2.
8 Team noname 32970 Rank 65 in the National Cup.
Rank 12 in the League Cup.
Rank 11 in league Uruguay II.2.
7 C.A 25 de agosto Rank 65 in the National Cup.
Rank 9 in the League Cup.
Rank 9 in league Uruguay II.2.
6 Club Atletico Peñarol Rank 33 in the National Cup.
Rank 12 in the League Cup.
Rank 11 in league Uruguay II.2.
5 Angeles Rank 65 in the National Cup.
Rank 9 in the League Cup.
Moved to league Uruguay II.2 by the football association.
Rank 14 in league Uruguay II.3.
4 Team noname 32970 Eliminated in round 3 of the National Cup.
Rank 8 in the League Cup.
Rank 5 in league Uruguay II.3.
3 Team noname 32970 Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Relegation to league Uruguay II.3.
Lost in the relegation round of league Uruguay I.1.
Rank 16 in league Uruguay I.1.
2 Team noname 32970 Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 8 in league Uruguay I.1.
1 Team noname 32970 Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Promotion to league Uruguay I.1.
Rank 1 in league Uruguay II.1.

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