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FC Okrim
League match
11.03.2025 18:30:00


# Name Fun ScP Age AvQ CL Con Popularity OR
0 Azerbaijan Cabir Əliyev The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 44 0/6 16 1 9
0 Azerbaijan İsrafil Nuri The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 46 0/6 13 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Yavər Ağabalayev The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 58 0/6 108 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Xəyal İldırımoğlu The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 56 7 0/6 40 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Emin Fətullayev The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 32 0/6 65 5 9
0 Azerbaijan Ramin Əzizbəyov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 32 0/6 64 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Rafiq Fətullayev The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 72 0/6 9 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Əzizxan Təhmasib The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 49 0/6 76 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Cəlal Yusifli The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 46 0/6 29 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Bəxtiyar Həsənli The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 47 0/6 83 2 9
0 Azerbaijan Mirzə Ələkbər Əlifoğlu The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 39 0/6 97 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Əsgər Bülbüloğlu The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 35 0/6 9 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Eldəniz Xəzər The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 65 0/6 60 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Həsənağa Abdullayev The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 81 0/6 59 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Oqtay Mizəməhəmmədov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 56 35 0/6 104 4 9
0 Azerbaijan Səyavuş Süleymanlı The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 70 0/6 38 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Vasif Seyidsoy The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 83 0/6 111 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Cəfər Cəfərzadə The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 49 0/6 80 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Məmməd Şükürlü The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 32 0/6 93 2 9
0 Azerbaijan Şirin Zakirov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 66 0/6 108 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Cavid Zəngilanlı The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 19 0/6 8 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Əhəd Qafurov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 47 0/6 109 2 9

Explanatory notes

  A national flag appears here if the player is in the national team
    The player is on the market
    The player is on free agent market
    The player is for sale
   The player is injured
    The player has a note
    The player is day-to-day and can be dressed if needed.

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