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FC Okrim
League match
11.03.2025 18:30:00


# Name Fun ScP Age AvQ CL Con Popularity OR
0 Azerbaijan Seymur Ramilov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 45 0/6 13 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Laçin Nəzərli The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 23 0/6 12 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Fərrux Nəzirov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 76 0/6 28 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Məsud Şahbazlı The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 36 0/6 98 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Mirzaga Vahidli The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 40 0/6 63 5 9
0 Azerbaijan Əbdülrza Kərimli The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 97 0/6 23 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Yalçin Babullaoğlu The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 56 54 0/6 21 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Rauf Şahmalıyev The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 39 0/6 96 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Qəzənfər Cahangirov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 49 0/6 77 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Rafiq İsafilov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 45 0/6 95 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Yalçin Abuşov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 65 0/6 70 2 9
0 Azerbaijan Polad Əlifoğlu The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 7 0/6 47 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Mansur Səmədov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 35 0/6 56 2 9
0 Azerbaijan Ramazan Vasifov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 57 61 0/6 72 2 9
0 Azerbaijan Rey Şərifov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 31 0/6 80 4 9
0 Azerbaijan Tural Rasimov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 34 0/6 69 2 9
0 Azerbaijan Səid Rəsulzadə The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 51 0/6 49 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Xəyyam Süleymanoğlu The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 43 0/6 33 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Əvəz Məhərrəmov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 58 0/6 43 2 9
0 Azerbaijan Cabir Koroğlu The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 17 0/6 81 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Mehran Şahməmmədov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 44 0/6 3 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Səlim Yolçuyev The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 69 0/6 72 3 9

Explanatory notes

  A national flag appears here if the player is in the national team
    The player is on the market
    The player is on free agent market
    The player is for sale
   The player is injured
    The player has a note
    The player is day-to-day and can be dressed if needed.

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