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  U17 World Championship

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Type: Season: Tournament round:

Group 1

Date Home team Away team Score Time
2024-05-18 Brazil Brazil Italy Italy 2:2 20:30
2024-05-18 Belgium Belgium Greece Greece 1:0 17:30
2024-05-18 Netherlands Netherlands Argentina Argentina 0:4 17:30
2024-05-18 Egypt Egypt Montenegro Montenegro 2:2 15:30
2024-05-25 Belgium Belgium Brazil Brazil 1:0 17:30
2024-05-25 Greece Greece Italy Italy 1:0 15:30
2024-05-25 Montenegro Montenegro Netherlands Netherlands 0:0 15:30
2024-05-25 Argentina Argentina Egypt Egypt 9:0 20:30
2024-06-01 Brazil Brazil Greece Greece 6:1 20:30
2024-06-01 Italy Italy Belgium Belgium 0:0 16:30
2024-06-01 Netherlands Netherlands Egypt Egypt 7:0 17:30
2024-06-01 Montenegro Montenegro Argentina Argentina 0:3 15:30
2024-06-08 Netherlands Netherlands Brazil Brazil 4:1 17:30
2024-06-08 Argentina Argentina Italy Italy 1:1 20:30
2024-06-08 Belgium Belgium Montenegro Montenegro 4:1 17:30
2024-06-08 Egypt Egypt Greece Greece 0:5 15:30
2024-06-15 Brazil Brazil Argentina Argentina 1:1 20:30
2024-06-15 Italy Italy Netherlands Netherlands 4:0 16:30
2024-06-15 Egypt Egypt Belgium Belgium 0:3 15:30
2024-06-15 Greece Greece Montenegro Montenegro 3:0 15:30
2024-06-22 Montenegro Montenegro Brazil Brazil 3:0 15:30
2024-06-22 Italy Italy Egypt Egypt 7:1 16:30
2024-06-22 Netherlands Netherlands Belgium Belgium 3:1 17:30
2024-06-22 Argentina Argentina Greece Greece 1:0 20:30
2024-06-29 Brazil Brazil Egypt Egypt 10:0 20:30
2024-06-29 Montenegro Montenegro Italy Italy 0:3 15:30
2024-06-29 Belgium Belgium Argentina Argentina 2:0 17:30
2024-06-29 Greece Greece Netherlands Netherlands 2:3 15:30
2024-09-07 Italy Italy Brazil Brazil 0:0 16:30
2024-09-07 Greece Greece Belgium Belgium 2:0 15:30
2024-09-07 Argentina Argentina Netherlands Netherlands 1:1 20:30
2024-09-07 Montenegro Montenegro Egypt Egypt 7:0 15:30
2024-09-14 Brazil Brazil Belgium Belgium 1:0 20:30
2024-09-14 Italy Italy Greece Greece 2:0 16:30
2024-09-14 Netherlands Netherlands Montenegro Montenegro 2:2 17:30
2024-09-14 Egypt Egypt Argentina Argentina 0:6 15:30
2024-09-21 Greece Greece Brazil Brazil 1:4 15:30
2024-09-21 Belgium Belgium Italy Italy 0:2 17:30
2024-09-21 Egypt Egypt Netherlands Netherlands 0:4 15:30
2024-09-21 Argentina Argentina Montenegro Montenegro 3:1 20:30
2024-09-28 Brazil Brazil Netherlands Netherlands 1:1 20:30
2024-09-28 Italy Italy Argentina Argentina 3:0 16:30
2024-09-28 Montenegro Montenegro Belgium Belgium 1:1 15:30
2024-09-28 Greece Greece Egypt Egypt 5:0 15:30
2024-10-05 Argentina Argentina Brazil Brazil 1:1 20:30
2024-10-05 Netherlands Netherlands Italy Italy 3:1 17:30
2024-10-05 Belgium Belgium Egypt Egypt 4:0 17:30
2024-10-05 Montenegro Montenegro Greece Greece 0:1 15:30
2024-10-12 Brazil Brazil Montenegro Montenegro 0:0 20:30
2024-10-12 Egypt Egypt Italy Italy 0:4 15:30
2024-10-12 Belgium Belgium Netherlands Netherlands 1:2 17:30
2024-10-12 Greece Greece Argentina Argentina 3:1 15:30
2024-10-19 Egypt Egypt Brazil Brazil 0:8 15:30
2024-10-19 Italy Italy Montenegro Montenegro 1:0 16:30
2024-10-19 Argentina Argentina Belgium Belgium 2:1 20:30
2024-10-19 Netherlands Netherlands Greece Greece 1:2 17:30

Group 2

Date Home team Away team Score Time
2024-05-18 Czech Republic Czech Republic Ukraine Ukraine 3:0 17:30
2024-05-18 Hungary Hungary Iran Iran 1:0 16:30
2024-05-18 England England Denmark Denmark 1:0 18:30
2024-05-18 China China Japan Japan 0:5 10:30
2024-05-25 Hungary Hungary Czech Republic Czech Republic 2:0 16:30
2024-05-25 Iran Iran Ukraine Ukraine 1:0 15:30
2024-05-25 Japan Japan England England 1:2 10:30
2024-05-25 Denmark Denmark China China 2:1 17:30
2024-06-01 Czech Republic Czech Republic Iran Iran 1:0 17:30
2024-06-01 Ukraine Ukraine Hungary Hungary 0:2 15:30
2024-06-01 England England China China 2:0 18:30
2024-06-01 Japan Japan Denmark Denmark 0:4 10:30
2024-06-08 England England Czech Republic Czech Republic 0:1 18:30
2024-06-08 Denmark Denmark Ukraine Ukraine 0:1 17:30
2024-06-08 Hungary Hungary Japan Japan 3:0 16:30
2024-06-08 China China Iran Iran 1:4 10:30
2024-06-15 Czech Republic Czech Republic Denmark Denmark 0:0 17:30
2024-06-15 Ukraine Ukraine England England 2:0 15:30
2024-06-15 China China Hungary Hungary 0:6 10:30
2024-06-15 Iran Iran Japan Japan 5:0 15:30
2024-06-22 Japan Japan Czech Republic Czech Republic 0:1 10:30
2024-06-22 Ukraine Ukraine China China 6:0 15:30
2024-06-22 England England Hungary Hungary 3:1 18:30
2024-06-22 Denmark Denmark Iran Iran 1:2 17:30
2024-06-29 Czech Republic Czech Republic China China 5:0 17:30
2024-06-29 Japan Japan Ukraine Ukraine 1:3 10:30
2024-06-29 Hungary Hungary Denmark Denmark 0:0 16:30
2024-06-29 Iran Iran England England 2:0 15:30
2024-09-07 Ukraine Ukraine Czech Republic Czech Republic 1:1 15:30
2024-09-07 Iran Iran Hungary Hungary 1:0 15:30
2024-09-07 Denmark Denmark England England 1:1 17:30
2024-09-07 Japan Japan China China 0:2 10:30
2024-09-14 Czech Republic Czech Republic Hungary Hungary 3:0 17:30
2024-09-14 Ukraine Ukraine Iran Iran 4:0 15:30
2024-09-14 England England Japan Japan 5:0 18:30
2024-09-14 China China Denmark Denmark 0:4 10:30
2024-09-21 Iran Iran Czech Republic Czech Republic 0:0 15:30
2024-09-21 Hungary Hungary Ukraine Ukraine 2:2 16:30
2024-09-21 China China England England 0:1 10:30
2024-09-21 Denmark Denmark Japan Japan 3:0 17:30
2024-09-28 Czech Republic Czech Republic England England 2:1 17:30
2024-09-28 Ukraine Ukraine Denmark Denmark 1:4 15:30
2024-09-28 Japan Japan Hungary Hungary 0:4 10:30
2024-09-28 Iran Iran China China 3:0 15:30
2024-10-05 Denmark Denmark Czech Republic Czech Republic 1:1 17:30
2024-10-05 England England Ukraine Ukraine 2:2 18:30
2024-10-05 Hungary Hungary China China 2:1 16:30
2024-10-05 Japan Japan Iran Iran 0:3 10:30
2024-10-12 Czech Republic Czech Republic Japan Japan 5:0 17:30
2024-10-12 China China Ukraine Ukraine 1:1 10:30
2024-10-12 Hungary Hungary England England 4:1 16:30
2024-10-12 Iran Iran Denmark Denmark 2:3 15:30
2024-10-19 China China Czech Republic Czech Republic 0:2 10:30
2024-10-19 Ukraine Ukraine Japan Japan 6:0 15:30
2024-10-19 Denmark Denmark Hungary Hungary 1:0 17:30
2024-10-19 England England Iran Iran 0:1 18:30

Group 3

Date Home team Away team Score Time
2024-05-18 Colombia Colombia Russia Russia 2:2 20:30
2024-05-18 Serbia Serbia Estonia Estonia 2:1 16:30
2024-05-18 Austria Austria Scotland Scotland 0:1 17:30
2024-05-18 Paraguay Paraguay Ireland Ireland 0:1 20:30
2024-05-25 Serbia Serbia Colombia Colombia 2:0 16:30
2024-05-25 Estonia Estonia Russia Russia 0:2 15:30
2024-05-25 Ireland Ireland Austria Austria 0:5 18:30
2024-05-25 Scotland Scotland Paraguay Paraguay 3:0 18:30
2024-06-01 Colombia Colombia Estonia Estonia 2:1 20:30
2024-06-01 Russia Russia Serbia Serbia 1:0 15:30
2024-06-01 Austria Austria Paraguay Paraguay 8:0 17:30
2024-06-01 Ireland Ireland Scotland Scotland 0:1 18:30
2024-06-08 Austria Austria Colombia Colombia 1:3 17:30
2024-06-08 Scotland Scotland Russia Russia 0:0 18:30
2024-06-08 Serbia Serbia Ireland Ireland 4:0 16:30
2024-06-08 Paraguay Paraguay Estonia Estonia 0:7 20:30
2024-06-15 Colombia Colombia Scotland Scotland 3:0 20:30
2024-06-15 Russia Russia Austria Austria 1:1 15:30
2024-06-15 Paraguay Paraguay Serbia Serbia 0:5 20:30
2024-06-15 Estonia Estonia Ireland Ireland 2:1 15:30
2024-06-22 Ireland Ireland Colombia Colombia 0:3 18:30
2024-06-22 Russia Russia Paraguay Paraguay 7:0 15:30
2024-06-22 Austria Austria Serbia Serbia 0:1 17:30
2024-06-22 Scotland Scotland Estonia Estonia 1:2 18:30
2024-06-29 Colombia Colombia Paraguay Paraguay 9:0 20:30
2024-06-29 Ireland Ireland Russia Russia 1:0 18:30
2024-06-29 Serbia Serbia Scotland Scotland 4:0 16:30
2024-06-29 Estonia Estonia Austria Austria 1:3 15:30
2024-09-07 Russia Russia Colombia Colombia 3:0 15:30
2024-09-07 Estonia Estonia Serbia Serbia 1:2 15:30
2024-09-07 Scotland Scotland Austria Austria 4:1 18:30
2024-09-07 Ireland Ireland Paraguay Paraguay 7:0 18:30
2024-09-14 Colombia Colombia Serbia Serbia 0:1 20:30
2024-09-14 Russia Russia Estonia Estonia 1:1 15:30
2024-09-14 Austria Austria Ireland Ireland 5:0 17:30
2024-09-14 Paraguay Paraguay Scotland Scotland 0:1 20:30
2024-09-21 Estonia Estonia Colombia Colombia 3:2 15:30
2024-09-21 Serbia Serbia Russia Russia 1:1 16:30
2024-09-21 Paraguay Paraguay Austria Austria 0:3 20:30
2024-09-21 Scotland Scotland Ireland Ireland 4:1 18:30
2024-09-28 Colombia Colombia Austria Austria 5:0 20:30
2024-09-28 Russia Russia Scotland Scotland 2:0 15:30
2024-09-28 Ireland Ireland Serbia Serbia 0:2 18:30
2024-09-28 Estonia Estonia Paraguay Paraguay 5:0 15:30
2024-10-05 Scotland Scotland Colombia Colombia 2:1 18:30
2024-10-05 Austria Austria Russia Russia 0:2 17:30
2024-10-05 Serbia Serbia Paraguay Paraguay 2:0 16:30
2024-10-05 Ireland Ireland Estonia Estonia 1:6 18:30
2024-10-12 Colombia Colombia Ireland Ireland 6:1 20:30
2024-10-12 Paraguay Paraguay Russia Russia 0:3 20:30
2024-10-12 Serbia Serbia Austria Austria 5:0 16:30
2024-10-12 Estonia Estonia Scotland Scotland 1:0 15:30
2024-10-19 Paraguay Paraguay Colombia Colombia 0:3 20:30
2024-10-19 Russia Russia Ireland Ireland 5:0 15:30
2024-10-19 Scotland Scotland Serbia Serbia 2:1 18:30
2024-10-19 Austria Austria Estonia Estonia 2:2 17:30

Group 4

Date Home team Away team Score Time
2024-05-18 Portugal Portugal Germany Germany 2:0 18:30
2024-05-18 France France Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 1:0 17:30
2024-05-18 Australia Australia Norway Norway 7:1 10:30
2024-05-18 Mexico Mexico India India 3:2 20:30
2024-05-25 France France Portugal Portugal 1:0 17:30
2024-05-25 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Germany Germany 0:3 10:30
2024-05-25 India India Australia Australia 2:1 10:30
2024-05-25 Norway Norway Mexico Mexico 1:0 17:30
2024-06-01 Portugal Portugal Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 1:0 18:30
2024-06-01 Germany Germany France France 2:0 17:30
2024-06-01 Australia Australia Mexico Mexico 2:1 10:30
2024-06-01 India India Norway Norway 3:0 10:30
2024-06-08 Australia Australia Portugal Portugal 0:0 10:30
2024-06-08 Norway Norway Germany Germany 1:3 17:30
2024-06-08 France France India India 2:0 17:30
2024-06-08 Mexico Mexico Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 1:0 20:30
2024-06-15 Portugal Portugal Norway Norway 4:0 18:30
2024-06-15 Germany Germany Australia Australia 1:0 17:30
2024-06-15 Mexico Mexico France France 0:2 20:30
2024-06-15 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan India India 1:0 10:30
2024-06-22 India India Portugal Portugal 0:2 10:30
2024-06-22 Germany Germany Mexico Mexico 5:0 17:30
2024-06-22 Australia Australia France France 2:1 10:30
2024-06-22 Norway Norway Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 0:0 17:30
2024-06-29 Portugal Portugal Mexico Mexico 6:0 18:30
2024-06-29 India India Germany Germany 0:3 10:30
2024-06-29 France France Norway Norway 2:2 17:30
2024-06-29 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Australia Australia 3:1 10:30
2024-09-07 Germany Germany Portugal Portugal 3:1 17:30
2024-09-07 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan France France 2:2 10:30
2024-09-07 Norway Norway Australia Australia 1:2 17:30
2024-09-07 India India Mexico Mexico 0:0 10:30
2024-09-14 Portugal Portugal France France 0:2 18:30
2024-09-14 Germany Germany Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 6:0 17:30
2024-09-14 Australia Australia India India 1:0 10:30
2024-09-14 Mexico Mexico Norway Norway 1:0 20:30
2024-09-21 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Portugal Portugal 1:3 10:30
2024-09-21 France France Germany Germany 2:3 17:30
2024-09-21 Mexico Mexico Australia Australia 0:0 20:30
2024-09-21 Norway Norway India India 3:1 17:30
2024-09-28 Portugal Portugal Australia Australia 2:0 18:30
2024-09-28 Germany Germany Norway Norway 6:2 17:30
2024-09-28 India India France France 0:1 10:30
2024-09-28 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Mexico Mexico 1:0 10:30
2024-10-05 Norway Norway Portugal Portugal 5:0 17:30
2024-10-05 Australia Australia Germany Germany 1:3 10:30
2024-10-05 France France Mexico Mexico 1:0 17:30
2024-10-05 India India Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 2:2 10:30
2024-10-12 Portugal Portugal India India 1:0 18:30
2024-10-12 Mexico Mexico Germany Germany 0:1 20:30
2024-10-12 France France Australia Australia 0:0 17:30
2024-10-12 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Norway Norway 0:3 10:30
2024-10-19 Mexico Mexico Portugal Portugal 0:0 20:30
2024-10-19 Germany Germany India India 0:2 17:30
2024-10-19 Norway Norway France France 2:1 17:30
2024-10-19 Australia Australia Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 1:4 10:30

Group 5

Date Home team Away team Score Time
2024-05-18 Latvia Latvia Bulgaria Bulgaria 0:0 15:30
2024-05-18 Canada Canada Spain Spain 3:2 20:30
2024-05-18 Chile Chile Uruguay Uruguay 1:0 20:30
2024-05-18 North Macedonia North Macedonia Malaysia Malaysia 0:6 15:30
2024-05-25 Canada Canada Latvia Latvia 0:0 20:30
2024-05-25 Spain Spain Bulgaria Bulgaria 2:1 18:30
2024-05-25 Malaysia Malaysia Chile Chile 1:0 10:30
2024-05-25 Uruguay Uruguay North Macedonia North Macedonia 9:0 20:30
2024-06-01 Latvia Latvia Spain Spain 2:2 15:30
2024-06-01 Bulgaria Bulgaria Canada Canada 0:1 15:30
2024-06-01 Chile Chile North Macedonia North Macedonia 9:0 20:30
2024-06-01 Malaysia Malaysia Uruguay Uruguay 0:0 10:30
2024-06-08 Chile Chile Latvia Latvia 1:0 20:30
2024-06-08 Uruguay Uruguay Bulgaria Bulgaria 0:1 20:30
2024-06-08 Canada Canada Malaysia Malaysia 3:0 20:30
2024-06-08 North Macedonia North Macedonia Spain Spain 0:5 15:30
2024-06-15 Latvia Latvia Uruguay Uruguay 1:1 15:30
2024-06-15 Bulgaria Bulgaria Chile Chile 4:0 15:30
2024-06-15 North Macedonia North Macedonia Canada Canada 0:6 15:30
2024-06-15 Spain Spain Malaysia Malaysia 2:1 18:30
2024-06-22 Malaysia Malaysia Latvia Latvia 1:1 10:30
2024-06-22 Bulgaria Bulgaria North Macedonia North Macedonia 6:0 15:30
2024-06-22 Chile Chile Canada Canada 0:6 20:30
2024-06-22 Uruguay Uruguay Spain Spain 0:3 20:30
2024-06-29 Latvia Latvia North Macedonia North Macedonia 8:0 15:30
2024-06-29 Malaysia Malaysia Bulgaria Bulgaria 0:1 10:30
2024-06-29 Canada Canada Uruguay Uruguay 0:2 20:30
2024-06-29 Spain Spain Chile Chile 2:0 18:30
2024-09-07 Bulgaria Bulgaria Latvia Latvia 4:0 15:30
2024-09-07 Spain Spain Canada Canada 1:1 18:30
2024-09-07 Uruguay Uruguay Chile Chile 1:0 20:30
2024-09-07 Malaysia Malaysia North Macedonia North Macedonia 8:0 10:30
2024-09-14 Latvia Latvia Canada Canada 1:0 15:30
2024-09-14 Bulgaria Bulgaria Spain Spain 2:1 15:30
2024-09-14 Chile Chile Malaysia Malaysia 1:0 20:30
2024-09-14 North Macedonia North Macedonia Uruguay Uruguay 0:7 15:30
2024-09-21 Spain Spain Latvia Latvia 0:1 18:30
2024-09-21 Canada Canada Bulgaria Bulgaria 2:2 20:30
2024-09-21 North Macedonia North Macedonia Chile Chile 0:4 15:30
2024-09-21 Uruguay Uruguay Malaysia Malaysia 1:0 20:30
2024-09-28 Latvia Latvia Chile Chile 9:0 15:30
2024-09-28 Bulgaria Bulgaria Uruguay Uruguay 3:0 15:30
2024-09-28 Malaysia Malaysia Canada Canada 1:3 10:30
2024-09-28 Spain Spain North Macedonia North Macedonia 6:0 18:30
2024-10-05 Uruguay Uruguay Latvia Latvia 3:1 20:30
2024-10-05 Chile Chile Bulgaria Bulgaria 0:5 20:30
2024-10-05 Canada Canada North Macedonia North Macedonia 7:0 20:30
2024-10-05 Malaysia Malaysia Spain Spain 1:1 10:30
2024-10-12 Latvia Latvia Malaysia Malaysia 2:0 15:30
2024-10-12 North Macedonia North Macedonia Bulgaria Bulgaria 0:7 15:30
2024-10-12 Canada Canada Chile Chile 0:1 20:30
2024-10-12 Spain Spain Uruguay Uruguay 4:0 18:30
2024-10-19 North Macedonia North Macedonia Latvia Latvia 0:9 15:30
2024-10-19 Bulgaria Bulgaria Malaysia Malaysia 4:0 15:30
2024-10-19 Uruguay Uruguay Canada Canada 0:1 20:30
2024-10-19 Chile Chile Spain Spain 1:3 20:30

Group 6

Date Home team Away team Score Time
2024-05-18 Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Switzerland Switzerland 1:2 10:30
2024-05-18 Peru Peru Turkey Turkey 2:0 20:30
2024-05-18 Venezuela Venezuela USA USA 0:0 20:30
2024-05-18 Algeria Algeria Morocco Morocco 2:0 15:30
2024-05-25 Peru Peru Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei 1:1 20:30
2024-05-25 Turkey Turkey Switzerland Switzerland 1:1 15:30
2024-05-25 Morocco Morocco Venezuela Venezuela 0:4 15:30
2024-05-25 USA USA Algeria Algeria 2:1 20:30
2024-06-01 Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Turkey Turkey 1:0 10:30
2024-06-01 Switzerland Switzerland Peru Peru 0:1 17:30
2024-06-01 Venezuela Venezuela Algeria Algeria 3:0 20:30
2024-06-01 Morocco Morocco USA USA 1:3 15:30
2024-06-08 Venezuela Venezuela Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei 1:1 20:30
2024-06-08 USA USA Switzerland Switzerland 1:3 20:30
2024-06-08 Peru Peru Morocco Morocco 5:0 20:30
2024-06-08 Algeria Algeria Turkey Turkey 0:1 15:30
2024-06-15 Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei USA USA 1:0 10:30
2024-06-15 Switzerland Switzerland Venezuela Venezuela 2:0 17:30
2024-06-15 Algeria Algeria Peru Peru 0:2 15:30
2024-06-15 Turkey Turkey Morocco Morocco 3:0 15:30
2024-06-22 Morocco Morocco Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei 0:1 15:30
2024-06-22 Switzerland Switzerland Algeria Algeria 5:0 17:30
2024-06-22 Venezuela Venezuela Peru Peru 1:2 20:30
2024-06-22 USA USA Turkey Turkey 0:1 20:30
2024-06-29 Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Algeria Algeria 3:0 10:30
2024-06-29 Morocco Morocco Switzerland Switzerland 2:4 15:30
2024-06-29 Peru Peru USA USA 3:1 20:30
2024-06-29 Turkey Turkey Venezuela Venezuela 2:0 15:30
2024-09-07 Switzerland Switzerland Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei 1:2 17:30
2024-09-07 Turkey Turkey Peru Peru 3:0 15:30
2024-09-07 USA USA Venezuela Venezuela 3:0 20:30
2024-09-07 Morocco Morocco Algeria Algeria 5:0 15:30
2024-09-14 Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Peru Peru 1:0 10:30
2024-09-14 Switzerland Switzerland Turkey Turkey 3:1 17:30
2024-09-14 Venezuela Venezuela Morocco Morocco 3:0 20:30
2024-09-14 Algeria Algeria USA USA 0:5 15:30
2024-09-21 Turkey Turkey Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei 1:0 15:30
2024-09-21 Peru Peru Switzerland Switzerland 1:2 20:30
2024-09-21 Algeria Algeria Venezuela Venezuela 0:3 15:30
2024-09-21 USA USA Morocco Morocco 3:1 20:30
2024-09-28 Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Venezuela Venezuela 1:0 10:30
2024-09-28 Switzerland Switzerland USA USA 0:1 17:30
2024-09-28 Morocco Morocco Peru Peru 0:1 15:30
2024-09-28 Turkey Turkey Algeria Algeria 7:0 15:30
2024-10-05 USA USA Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei 0:1 20:30
2024-10-05 Venezuela Venezuela Switzerland Switzerland 0:4 20:30
2024-10-05 Peru Peru Algeria Algeria 7:0 20:30
2024-10-05 Morocco Morocco Turkey Turkey 0:1 15:30
2024-10-12 Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Morocco Morocco 3:0 10:30
2024-10-12 Algeria Algeria Switzerland Switzerland 0:5 15:30
2024-10-12 Peru Peru Venezuela Venezuela 1:0 20:30
2024-10-12 Turkey Turkey USA USA 1:0 15:30
2024-10-19 Algeria Algeria Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei 0:6 15:30
2024-10-19 Switzerland Switzerland Morocco Morocco 1:0 17:30
2024-10-19 USA USA Peru Peru 2:1 20:30
2024-10-19 Venezuela Venezuela Turkey Turkey 0:2 20:30

Group 7

Date Home team Away team Score Time
2024-05-18 Slovakia Slovakia Finland Finland 1:1 16:30
2024-05-18 Romania Romania Belarus Belarus 0:1 15:30
2024-05-18 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Indonesia Indonesia 1:0 16:30
2024-05-18 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Moldova Moldova 1:4 15:30
2024-05-25 Romania Romania Slovakia Slovakia 0:1 15:30
2024-05-25 Belarus Belarus Finland Finland 2:0 15:30
2024-05-25 Moldova Moldova Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 0:3 15:30
2024-05-25 Indonesia Indonesia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 3:0 10:30
2024-06-01 Slovakia Slovakia Belarus Belarus 2:0 16:30
2024-06-01 Finland Finland Romania Romania 1:0 16:30
2024-06-01 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 3:0 16:30
2024-06-01 Moldova Moldova Indonesia Indonesia 0:2 15:30
2024-06-08 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Slovakia Slovakia 0:1 16:30
2024-06-08 Indonesia Indonesia Finland Finland 1:0 10:30
2024-06-08 Romania Romania Moldova Moldova 6:0 15:30
2024-06-08 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Belarus Belarus 0:2 15:30
2024-06-15 Slovakia Slovakia Indonesia Indonesia 3:1 16:30
2024-06-15 Finland Finland Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 2:2 16:30
2024-06-15 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Romania Romania 0:5 15:30
2024-06-15 Belarus Belarus Moldova Moldova 3:0 15:30
2024-06-22 Moldova Moldova Slovakia Slovakia 0:1 15:30
2024-06-22 Finland Finland Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 6:1 16:30
2024-06-22 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Romania Romania 0:2 16:30
2024-06-22 Indonesia Indonesia Belarus Belarus 0:0 10:30
2024-06-29 Slovakia Slovakia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 4:0 16:30
2024-06-29 Moldova Moldova Finland Finland 0:4 15:30
2024-06-29 Romania Romania Indonesia Indonesia 1:0 15:30
2024-06-29 Belarus Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 2:4 15:30
2024-09-07 Finland Finland Slovakia Slovakia 2:2 16:30
2024-09-07 Belarus Belarus Romania Romania 3:1 15:30
2024-09-07 Indonesia Indonesia Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 0:2 10:30
2024-09-07 Moldova Moldova Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2:0 15:30
2024-09-14 Slovakia Slovakia Romania Romania 1:0 16:30
2024-09-14 Finland Finland Belarus Belarus 0:0 16:30
2024-09-14 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Moldova Moldova 2:1 16:30
2024-09-14 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Indonesia Indonesia 0:0 15:30
2024-09-21 Belarus Belarus Slovakia Slovakia 0:0 15:30
2024-09-21 Romania Romania Finland Finland 0:0 15:30
2024-09-21 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 0:4 15:30
2024-09-21 Indonesia Indonesia Moldova Moldova 0:0 10:30
2024-09-28 Slovakia Slovakia Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 0:4 16:30
2024-09-28 Finland Finland Indonesia Indonesia 2:0 16:30
2024-09-28 Moldova Moldova Romania Romania 0:5 15:30
2024-09-28 Belarus Belarus Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 4:0 15:30
2024-10-05 Indonesia Indonesia Slovakia Slovakia 2:0 10:30
2024-10-05 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Finland Finland 0:1 16:30
2024-10-05 Romania Romania Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2:0 15:30
2024-10-05 Moldova Moldova Belarus Belarus 0:1 15:30
2024-10-12 Slovakia Slovakia Moldova Moldova 4:0 16:30
2024-10-12 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Finland Finland 1:3 15:30
2024-10-12 Romania Romania Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 1:3 15:30
2024-10-12 Belarus Belarus Indonesia Indonesia 5:0 15:30
2024-10-19 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Slovakia Slovakia 1:0 15:30
2024-10-19 Finland Finland Moldova Moldova 3:0 16:30
2024-10-19 Indonesia Indonesia Romania Romania 0:5 10:30
2024-10-19 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belarus 0:0 16:30

Group 8

Date Home team Away team Score Time
2024-05-18 Croatia Croatia Sweden Sweden 0:0 16:30
2024-05-18 Poland Poland Slovenia Slovenia 0:1 16:30
2024-05-18 Lithuania Lithuania Israel Israel 2:0 15:30
2024-05-25 Poland Poland Croatia Croatia 1:2 16:30
2024-05-25 Slovenia Slovenia Sweden Sweden 5:0 16:30
2024-05-25 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Lithuania Lithuania 1:2 10:30
2024-06-01 Croatia Croatia Slovenia Slovenia 0:0 16:30
2024-06-01 Sweden Sweden Poland Poland 0:3 17:30
2024-06-01 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Israel Israel 2:1 10:30
2024-06-08 Lithuania Lithuania Croatia Croatia 0:1 15:30
2024-06-08 Israel Israel Sweden Sweden 0:2 15:30
2024-06-08 Poland Poland Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 4:0 16:30
2024-06-15 Croatia Croatia Israel Israel 4:0 16:30
2024-06-15 Sweden Sweden Lithuania Lithuania 0:1 17:30
2024-06-15 Slovenia Slovenia Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 7:0 16:30
2024-06-22 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Croatia Croatia 2:5 10:30
2024-06-22 Lithuania Lithuania Poland Poland 2:3 15:30
2024-06-22 Israel Israel Slovenia Slovenia 0:4 15:30
2024-06-29 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Sweden Sweden 0:1 10:30
2024-06-29 Poland Poland Israel Israel 2:0 16:30
2024-06-29 Slovenia Slovenia Lithuania Lithuania 3:3 16:30
2024-09-07 Sweden Sweden Croatia Croatia 2:0 17:30
2024-09-07 Slovenia Slovenia Poland Poland 1:0 16:30
2024-09-07 Israel Israel Lithuania Lithuania 0:2 15:30
2024-09-14 Croatia Croatia Poland Poland 0:1 16:30
2024-09-14 Sweden Sweden Slovenia Slovenia 1:1 17:30
2024-09-14 Lithuania Lithuania Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 3:0 15:30
2024-09-21 Slovenia Slovenia Croatia Croatia 0:2 16:30
2024-09-21 Poland Poland Sweden Sweden 2:4 16:30
2024-09-21 Israel Israel Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 2:1 15:30
2024-09-28 Croatia Croatia Lithuania Lithuania 3:1 16:30
2024-09-28 Sweden Sweden Israel Israel 3:0 17:30
2024-09-28 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Poland Poland 0:0 10:30
2024-10-05 Israel Israel Croatia Croatia 1:1 15:30
2024-10-05 Lithuania Lithuania Sweden Sweden 1:0 15:30
2024-10-05 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Slovenia Slovenia 4:0 10:30
2024-10-12 Croatia Croatia Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 5:0 16:30
2024-10-12 Poland Poland Lithuania Lithuania 5:1 16:30
2024-10-12 Slovenia Slovenia Israel Israel 0:0 16:30
2024-10-19 Sweden Sweden Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 1:0 17:30
2024-10-19 Israel Israel Poland Poland 0:0 15:30
2024-10-19 Lithuania Lithuania Slovenia Slovenia 2:1 15:30