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FC Okrim
League match
11.03.2025 18:30:00


# Name Fun ScP Age AvQ CL Con Popularity OR
0 Azerbaijan Mirəhməd Cümşüdov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 44 0/6 39 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Ömür Həbibov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 57 23 0/6 57 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Rüstəm Yanığ The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 56 79 0/6 9 2 9
0 Azerbaijan Araz Azadov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 29 0/6 47 5 9
0 Azerbaijan Rəsul Ağayarzadə The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 56 0/6 50 8 9
0 Azerbaijan Telman Əbluc The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 47 0/6 11 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Aqşin Cabirzadə The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 50 0/6 6 1 9
0 Azerbaijan İsrafil Qarabağlı The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 37 0/6 26 2 9
0 Azerbaijan Kamil Atakişiyev The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 28 0/6 73 1 9
0 Azerbaijan İsmayil Mərdanov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 67 0/6 12 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Mansur Eynullayev The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 56 34 0/6 21 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Laçin Məmmədquluzadə The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 52 0/6 65 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Muxtar Şərifov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 33 0/6 78 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Fazil Bədəlbəyli The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 69 0/6 35 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Yalçin Tarıvediyev The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 58 0/6 50 5 9
0 Azerbaijan Ramil Dəmirov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 57 52 0/6 87 2 9
0 Azerbaijan Kamil Zülfüqarov The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 65 0/6 52 4 9
0 Azerbaijan Talış Əliyev The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 50 0/6 27 2 9
0 Azerbaijan Mövsüm Şıxlı The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 65 0/6 57 3 9
0 Azerbaijan Məhəmməd Dəmirli The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 70 0/6 8 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Elşad Həsənli The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 53 0/6 20 1 9
0 Azerbaijan Eldəniz Rəfili The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 54 47 0/6 90 3 9

Explanatory notes

  A national flag appears here if the player is in the national team
    The player is on the market
    The player is on free agent market
    The player is for sale
   The player is injured
    The player has a note
    The player is day-to-day and can be dressed if needed.