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加拿大 Ontario Alpha Particles - Nuclei News: Season 4, Edition 7: League Play Comes Down to Final Day

With 41 games in the bag, it all comes down to Sunday's match. In the final 8 games of the season OAP set out to amass 15 points, or 5 wins. Through the first seven of those games they have amassed 12 points. A win Sunday and they'd reach their goal... a goal that would see them surely clear of the promotion/relegation round.

"Sunday is a huge game" said Ethan Purdon. If we lose, there is a strong possibility that we could be playing in the promotion/relegation round. We cannot afford that.

Purdon is right. Alphas manager canucks357 has sent his A-squad to camp despite some strong criticism from fans. If the Alphas lose, they could be entering the promotion/relegation round with their starting 11 still at camp.

"Our plan was thought through carefully. We are confident for Sunday and we can secure a win. We made a decision that is best for our club and we stand by that decision."

The only peace of mind that Alpha fans have is that their Sunday opponent, HL Football, has sent their top guns to camp too as they cannot move up or down the standings. That being said, fans should not expect an easy match. HL Football have some excellent depth to their roster.

"We know they'll be without world renowned goalkeeper Yves Todd, but they still have some very strong players outside of their top-11 or so. We've beaten them before with our reserves. Heck, we beat them with guys we've signed to one-game contracts!" said canucks357. "But that is only for confidence heading into the match. We know how important it is. And we know what is at stake. We simply must execute one final league game. Forty-one down, one to go. After that, things get a lot more cheerful around here."

After the league game finishes the Alphas' schedule will lighten up a bit. They'll have the 3rd place playoff for the CWC and also will officially participate in the league cup.

Despite their struggles this season, OAP players have found comfort in support from fans. Some of which hail from far corners of the globe.

Heading down the stretch, manager of the Brazilian club São Jorge Fluminense, jorgenius, offered up his words of support. jorgenius said "Anything is possible. The people of Brazil are cheering for you. Here we have our wins and losses too. When we lose, we blame it on the samba!" jorgenius was referencing the traditional Brazilian dance that is iconic of Brazil's culture. "Nothing that is worthwhile comes easy. We know you will be successful in your mission. Just kidding! We hope you fail miserably! We hope you drop to division 2 where Wallaceburg fans can watch you lose every game!"

Strange words from a famous manager whose hockey club boasts one of the nicer arenas around. However there is some debate over what was actually said. While jorgenius is fluent in English, his letters are delivered by Canada Post. One wouldn't be surprised if Aowyr got his hands in there and changed something. That is up for debate.

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球隊 巴西 São Jorge Fluminense 對這篇新聞稿做出了回應: Le Mystère de l'Aiguille Creuse