Kenora Stingers† - Football Fanatics - Year End Edition Season 2

Anyways back to soccer. Stingers fans will be happy to here that GM skipman will be keeping the core group together for the coming season. I am just waiting for the final 2 groups of players to be released from the academy and rest assured our facilities will continue to grow. As for our home town stadium, at some point this season we will see an upgrade to larger stands, as well as a plan to begin the constuction of a single floor multi'functional section.
Promotion to League I.I
Congratulations to all players and fans alike on a succesful season and we are looking forward to the increased competition in the top league next year.
National Team
Well it looks like we may have 3 potential players to be recruited for the National Team
Rob Frennette - forward
Earl Dutot - forward
Gregory Goodman - defense
As for running for manager of the National Squad, skipman6 has this to say "Of course i would like to take a run at the job, but gathering the support required and being a squad from tier 2 may hinder support."
Look out league I.I here comes the Stingers with a full hive ready to wage war!!!!