Trueblue United† - Colah Creek A Threat, Says TBU Manager

United's Manager believes that the current run may end as early as next season however, with rival teams quickly gaining ground in strength.
"Colah Creek are a solid team led by a brilliant manager. They have truly excelled this season led by prolific scorer Tony Denney. I believe that as early as next season Colah may truly challenge for the #1 spot."
They're not the only team who have gained in incredible strength either.
Renamed 36516 and Wandering Wookies have filled the gap left by the abandoned GMP Spitfires and have the ability to enter next season challenging for the coveted top 2 spots on the ladder.
"Next season will provide a much tighter competition I believe", says TBU Manager. "It will be at least a 4 horse race that will be decided from the net out".