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  VIP lože

2 725 631 952
Zvanična PPM stranica na fejsbuku
Lajkuj našu Fejs stranicu i saznaj najnovije vijesti prije bilo koga drugog.
Slijedeća utakmica
Tatranskí orli
Utakmica Liga Kupa za plasman
23.02.2025 18:30:00


When the VIP lounge construction is finished, the team owners automatically lease it to some company until the end of the current season. Companies then send in new offers at the end of each season. The club will get three offers on three consecutive days. If you accept the first offer, the club will not receive further offers. If you do not accept any of the three offers, the owners will lease the VIP lounge to a new company on the following day even without your approval. VIP lounges are leased for the whole duration of the following season. The sum offered by the leaseholder will be divided into regular weekly payments, which will be transfered to the club's account each Wednesday. To help you make a decision, the human resources and economic department will give their recommendation on each offer.

VIP lounge lease

Sektor Zakupac Ocena Vrijednost Nedjeljne donacije
A You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
B You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
C You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
D You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
E You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
F You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
G You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
H You don't have VIP lounges in this sector

VIP lounge lease deal offers

Sektor Zakupac Ocena Vrijednost Nedjeljne donacije Akcija
A You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
B You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
C You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
D You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
E You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
F You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
G You don't have VIP lounges in this sector
H You don't have VIP lounges in this sector

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