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Slijedeća utakmica
FK Mojtinár
Ligaška utakmica
12.01.2025 18:30:00
12.01.2025 18:30:00
Kako početi?
Evo nekoliko savjeta kako bi vaš start na PowerPlaz Manager-u bio lakši.
- Obavezno pročitajte vodič. Možete naći dosta korisnih informacija. Ceo vodič se nalazi u informacionom meniju ili u gornjem desnom uglu kao individualna ikona. Klikom na ikonu odvešće vas u vodič skrin
- Set up your starting line-up and don't forget to set your captain too. There is nothing worse than letting a randomly generated line-up play your matches.
- Train your players in such a way, that they have suitable attributes for their position in the matches.
- Build your facilities and stadium with thought. Do not build what comes to your mind first, but make plans in advance. Bear in mind that the club needs different accessories and facilities in the early stages than in the later stages.
Money on your account is important but only to a certain extent. Keep a certain amount of money in reserve, but invest the rest into the stadium and facilities.
Pažnja! Ako je tim u dugovima više od 21 dan, vlasnici tima će te otpustiti. After seven days in debt, you will see a message which will alert you to the poor financial situation in the club. Klupske financije se provjeravaju samo tokom noćnog ažuriranja. - Zapošljavanje osoblja će imati veliki utjecaj na objekte gdje rade. Nemojte zaboraviti da ih edukujete i trenirate. Ali budite oprezni, činjenica je da bolje osoblje ima veću platu i mogu vas dovesti do finaniskih problema.
- The right tactics could be the difference in an otherwise close match. Do not forget to modify your tactics according to the line-up you are using and according to your next opponent.
- Igranje utakmica sa visokom važnošću može poboljšati učinak tima, ali će igrači potrošiti više energije i mogu ostati bez nje na kraju sezone. Zbog toga, pažljivo namesti važnost utakmice.
- Log into the game regularly because your team needs your leadership. If you play every match with the same lineup and tactics, you will become easy to read for your opponents. Menadžer koji se ne prijavi na svoj tim više od 21 dana dobiće otkaz od vlasnika tima. Managers are always dismissed at 06:00 CET.
- Skoro svaka stranica u igri ima kratak tekst koji objašnjava osnovne alate. Potrudite se da čitate te tekstove svremena na vrijeme, oni su napisani na uprošćenom načinu i pomoći će vam da razumijete mehanizam osnovne igre.
Sistem igranja
Every season lasts 16 weeks, 112 days to be exact. Each league has 22 teams, so one season has 42 match days. The league matches are played on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
The league champion is promoted to a higher league. The runner-up will play in the promotion round.
Teams ranked 15th to 18th will play the runners-up from the lower divisions to avoid relegation. Teams ranked 19th to 22nd will be automatically relegated to the lower leagues and they will be replaced by the champions from these leagues.
Each league has four leagues below it where the teams from this league are relegated. If any league does not have all four leagues in the tier below but, for instance, only one, then only the team that ranked 22nd will be relegated. In such a case the team ranked 21st will play in the relegation round.
At the end of the season the final ranking is determined. It is important to finish as high as possible. General sponsors and media sponsors offer more generous contracts for the upcoming season to the higher ranked teams.
The relegation/promotion round has two legs (home and away) and the team with the better aggregate score from both legs will be declared the winner. If the score is tied, the team with the higher number of away goals wins. If still tied, the second leg is followed by extra time and penalty kicks if needed. Relegation/promotion matches are played on Tuesday and Thursday of the penultimate week of the season. The team from the lower league always plays the first leg at home.
The following scoring system is used in the league:
Pobjeda: 3 points
Neriješeno: 1 poen
Poraz: 0 poena
Ako su dva ili više timova izjednačena po poenima na kraju regularne sezone, rangiranje se odlučuje na osnovu bolje gol razlike (dati minus primljeni golovi). Ako su timovi i dalje izjednačeni, drugi kriterij je veći broj datih golova i na kraju ukupni timski rejting.
Sistem lige
U vrhu je samo jedna divizija. Onda su 4 divizije u drugoj razini i broj divizija se množi s četiri za svaki nivo. Zato postoje 16 divizija u trećoj razini 0,64 u četvrtom 0,256 petom itd.. Divizije su napraljene kombinacijom rimskih i arapskih brojeva. Primjerice II.3 znači da je broj divizije tri u drugom nivou.
Regrupisanje liga
Na kraju svake sezone je regrupisanje u ligi dva najniža nivoa lige u izabranoj zemlji. To znači da će suvišne lige biti zatvorene i aktivni timovi će biti koncentrirani u najmanji mogući broj liga. Regrupisanje je neophodno kako bi se igra održtala zanimljivom i kako bi se izbjegao veliki broj timova bez menadžera. Tijekom regrupisanja može se dogoditi da neki timovi iz niže lige budu promovirani u višu.
Vrijeme u igri
Vrijeme prikazano u gornjem djelu stranice je srednjeevropsko vrijeme ili vrijeme vremenske zone koje ste izabrali u podešavanjima. Noćno ažuriranje je uvjek u 5:00 po srednjeevropskom vremenu. Datum i dan sezone su samo dvije stvari koje se ažuriraju tokom noćnog obračuna.
The matches are played at different times based on the location of the home team. The table below shows the match times according to country or continent.
Država/Continent | Vrijeme utakmice (SET) |
Alžir | 17:30 |
Argentina | 22:30 |
Australija | 12:30 |
Austrija | 19:30 |
Azerbejdžan | 12:30 |
Bjelorusija | 17:30 |
Belgija | 19:30 |
Bosna i Hercegovina | 18:30 |
Brazil | 22:30 |
Bugarska | 17:30 |
Kanada | 22:30 |
Čile | 22:30 |
Kina | 12:30 |
Kineski Tajpeh | 12:30 |
Kolumbija | 22:30 |
Hrvatska | 18:30 |
Češka Republika | 19:30 |
Danska | 19:30 |
Egipat | 17:30 |
Engleska | 20:30 |
Estonija | 17:30 |
Finska | 18:30 |
Francuska | 19:30 |
Njemačka | 19:30 |
Grčka | 17:30 |
Mađarska | 18:30 |
Indija | 12:30 |
Indonezija | 12:30 |
Iran | 17:30 |
Irska | 20:30 |
Izrael | 17:30 |
Italija | 18:30 |
Kazahstan | 12:30 |
Japan | 12:30 |
Letonija | 17:30 |
Litvanija | 17:30 |
Śeverna Makedonija | 17:30 |
Malezija | 12:30 |
Meksiko | 22:30 |
Moldavija | 17:30 |
Crna Gora | 17:30 |
Maroko | 17:30 |
Holandija | 19:30 |
Norveška | 19:30 |
Paragvaj | 22:30 |
Peru | 22:30 |
Poljska | 18:30 |
Portugal | 20:30 |
Rumunija | 17:30 |
Rusija | 17:30 |
Saudijska Arabija | 17:30 |
Škotska | 20:30 |
Srbija | 18:30 |
Slovačka | 18:30 |
Slovenija | 18:30 |
Španija | 20:30 |
Švedska | 19:30 |
Švajcarska | 19:30 |
Turska | 17:30 |
Ukrajina | 17:30 |
Sjedinjene Američke Države | 22:30 |
Urugvaj | 22:30 |
Venecuela | 22:30 |
Afrika | 17:30 |
Azija | 12:30 |
Evropa | 18:30 |
Sjeverna Amerika | 22:30 |
Okeanija | 12:30 |
Južna Amerika | 22:30 |
Broj igrača u timu
The minimum number of players on the team is 11. The maximum number is unlimited. However, if you have more than 30 players, you will have to pay a daily fee to the football association. The fee for each extra player is 5% of the combined salaries of all players. If the number of players drops below 11, you will be dismissed by the team owners. If the team doesn't have at least 8 players available to play, the match will be forfeited.
Ukupni timski rejting
The overall team rating is one of the most important indicators of the long-term performance of the team. It reflects the popularity amongst the fans and sponsors. After each season the overall team rating is reduced by 30%. The overall team rating grows with good results and all types of matches, including friendly matches, have an influence.
Ako se tim promiče u nivo lige u kojoj nije igrao prije, njegov ukupan timski rejting biće smanjen za samo 20% na kraju sezone.
Ukupni timski rejting ima značajan uticaj na posjećenost mečeva i timovi sa većim rejtingom obično dobivaju bolje ponude od generalnog sponzora i medijskog sponzora.
Only if you lose in regular time, the overall team rating does not increase. The exceptions are the international cup qualification matches where the rating rises even if you lose. The increase of the overall team rating is higher, if a team achieves a good result against a strong opponent.
Timovi bez menadžera
Postoje dvje vrste timova bez menadžera. Prva vrsta su timovi označeni sa simbolom †. Ovi timovi su iz nekog razloga izgubili menadžera. Druga vrsta su timovi koji imaju tekst Tim bez imena u svom nazivu. Ovi timovi još uvek nisu imali menadžera.
Ukoliko tim nema menadžera, obično može biti dodjeljen novom menadžeru ukoliko se nalazi na najnižem nivou lige. Ukoliko je broj liga u najnižoj ligi manji od drugog nižeg nivoa, timovi bez menadžera na drugom nižem nivou takođe mogu biti dodjeljeni novim menadžerima.
Ukoliko je tim igrao najmanje dvje sezone sa istim menadžerom, ne može biti dodjeljen drugom menadžeru bez obzira na nivo lige. Tim kao ovaj će biti zamjenjen Timom bez imena tokom sljedećeg sezonskog obračuna ukoliko se nalazi ili je ispao u ligu gde timovi mogu biti dodjeljeni novim menadžerima.
Snaga tima
The team strength indicator shows the strength of your team from the last league match, depending on which players played in the match, on which positions they played as well as how many minutes they played. Substitutions and movement of players on the pitch during the match influence the eventual team strength in the match. All players on the field, except the goalkeeper, contribute to the strength of the team in defense, midfield and offense.
Iskustvo menadžera
Svaki menadžer dobiva iskustvo automatski igranjem igre regularno. Svaki dan kada se prijavite na nalog svog tima dobivate jedan bod za menadžersko iskustvo. Za tri dana neaktivnosti gubite jedan poen. Dok ne dosegnete do 11 poena ne gubite ništa za neaktivnost. Čim stignete do ovog nivoa nećete pasti ispod njega. Broj bodova koji imate određuju Vaš nivo iskustva. Što je veći nivo, bolje su Vam beneficije. Upozorenje! Iskustvo je vezano za Vaš tim i ukoliko izgubite svoj tim, morat skupljati iskustvo ponovno od nule.
Nivo menadžera u zavisnosti od iskustva
Nivo | Poeni | Benefikacije |
novajlija | 0-10 | --- |
početnik | 11-50 | opcija za kupovinu ili prodaju igrača ili članova osoblja, opcija za uzimanje pozajmice, opcija glasanja za selektora reprezentacije |
amater | 51-100 | opcija uzimanja male pozajmice, PRO paket za 7 dana, opcija kandidovanja za selektora reprezentacije |
Profesionalac | 101-300 | opcija uzimanja srednje pozajmice |
veteran | 301-600 | opcija za podizanje velike pozajmice |
stručnjak | 601+ | opcija uzimanja maksimalne pozajmice |
Moj kalendar
In your calendar you can see the schedule of your matches for the displayed month. After clicking one of the calendar fields you can view more options, such as the match report from the day's match, in the bigger calendar field. The whole season is scheduled during the main seasonal calculation.
Kalendar protivnika
In the calendar of your opponent, you can see his/her schedule of matches. The days which you can use to challenge the team to a friendly match are marked with an icon of green football players. This icon indicates, that neither you, nor your opponent have a match scheduled for this day, and you can play each other.
Možeš izazvati protivnika putem njegovog/njenog kalendara. Dani za koje možeš poslati izazov za prijateljski meč su označeni zelenom slikom fudbalera. Ova sličica pokazuje, da ni ti ni tvoj protivnik nemate zakazanih mečeva za taj dan i da možete igrati međusobno. Veoma je važno znati da se ne može poslati izazov za današnji dan. Ukoliko želiš da otkažeš prijateljski meč, moraš to učiniti minimum dva dana prije početka meča.
You can challenge your opponent to a friendly match with or without the extra time tiebreak. A match with extra time tiebreak must end in a victory of one of the teams. In case of draw, the match goes into extra time. If the match is still tied after the extra time, it is decided by the penalty shootout.
The home field advantage does not apply to friendly matches.
The revenues of a team come from several sources. The basic revenue is from ticket sales. The ticket prices are not adjustable and the ticket price is set to 100 for each league. Another source of revenue is the souvenir sale. The number of souvenirs sold depends mainly on attendance, popularity of the players and the number of fan shops at the stadium. Yet more revenue comes from general sponsor, media sponsor and VIP lounges.
Dobitak od prodaje karata za prijateljske utakmice se deli na jednake delove između oba tima. Ticket sale revenues from the National Cup matches are also split between both teams.
Generalni sponzor
Svaki tim ima valjani ugovor s generalnog sponzora po dolasku novog menadžera. Sponzorskeponude za sezonu dogovaraju se na kraju svake sezone. Klub dobija tri ponude na svakoj od tri dana za redom. Ako prihvati bilo koju ponudu, klub neće dobiti dalje ponude. Ako ne prihvati jednu od devet ponuda, vlasnici će potpisati sponzorski ugovor s fiksnim nedeljnim prihodom bez bonusa na sljedeći dan.Uopšteno sponzorski ugovor je potpisan za cijelu sljedeću sezonu.
Postoje tri različite vrste sponzorske ponude.Prvi tip se temelji na redovitim neđeljnim isplatama. In the second type of contract, the weekly payments are lower, but you get financial bonuses after every league or relegation/promotion round win. U trećem tipu ponude, vaša prva potreba odabrati ciljnu poziciju što mislite da je unutar svoje ekipne sposobnosti.Viši cilj, više novca možete zaraditi, ali i veći rizik da neće postići cilj.Bonus za poziciju u ligi isplaćuje 5 puta u sezoni (dan 19, 40, 59, 80 and 99 ove sezone). Ako niste na ciljnoj poziciji ili više na dan, bonusu neće biti isplaćeni.
Ugovori s bonusima možete pregovarati kroz sezonu. Ako imate drugu vrstu ugovora, a vi ne radite kako se i očekivalo, možete prebaciti na prvi tip na pola puta kroz sezonu. Vaši neđeljni prihod će rasti, ali neće dobiti bonuse za pobjede više. Ako imate treću vrstu ugovora, možete prebaciti na prvi tip ili promijeniti ciljnu poziciju kroz sezonu. Ako je tvoj tim pomjeren u drugu ligu u toku regrupacija liga i ti potpišeš novi ugovor sa bonusima, možeš ponovo da pregovaraš o ugovoru prva dva dana sezone.
Iznos novca koji se dobija od generalnog sponzora je uglavnom pod uticajem: u ukupnom poretku u nedavno završenoj sezoni, u ukupnom rejting kluba i na razini ljudske resurse i ekonomskog odjela. Prva ponuda stiže zadnjeg četvrtka u sezoni koja je dan 109 ove sezone.
The sponsors also take into account whether your team was promoted or relegated. If your team was promoted to a higher league, you can expect better offers. On the other hand if it was relegated, the offers will be worse. Sponsors pay special attention to how your team approaches promotion or relegation matches. If they find out that your team plays these matches with significantly weakened lineup, it will reflect on their offers at the end of the season.
Taking part or qualifying for Champions' League or Cup Winners' Cup will also draw better sponsorship offers. The quality of the offer is also influenced by the level of your league. Broj ligaških nivoa u državi može takođe uticati na ponude sponzora. Sponzori su više spremniji da ulažu u državama sa većim brojem liga.
Svaki put kada dobiješ ponudu imaš mogućnost da prihvatiš ili odbiješ ponudu. Nova ponuda će doći čak i ako nije odbijena prethodna ponuda. Prethodna ponuda je odbijena automatski prilikom dolaska nove ponude.
Medijski sponzor
As with general sponsor, the team already has a valid contract with a media sponsor upon arrival of the new manager. The media sponsorships for the upcoming season are negotiated at the end of every season. The club receives three offers on three consecutive days. If you accept the first offer, the club will not receive any further offers. If you do not accept any of the three offers, the owners will sign a contract with a new media sponsor on the following day even without your approval. The sum offered by the media sponsor is divided into regular weekly payments which are transfered to the club's account every Wednesday. To help you make a decision, the human resources and economic department will give their recommendation on each offer. The amount of money you get from the media sponsor is influenced mainly by: the final rank in the recently ended season, the overall team rating, the level of the human resources and economic department and the capacity of the stadium. Warning! The offers from media sponsors are based on the current capacity of the stadium. The sectors under construction are not taken into account. Prva ponda stiže poslijednjeg četvrtka u sezoni koji je 109 dan sezone.
The media sponsors also take into account whether your team was promoted or relegated. If your team was promoted to a higher league, you can expect better offers. On the other hand if it was relegated, the offers will be worse. Media sponsors pay special attention to how your team approaches promotion or relegation matches. If they find out that your team plays these matches with significantly weakened lineup, it will reflect on their offers at the end of the season.
Taking part or qualifying for Champions' League or Cup Winners' Cup will also draw better offers from media sponsors. The quality of the offer is also influenced by the level of your league. Broj ligaških nivoa u državi može takođe uticati na ponude medijskog sponzora. Medijski sponzori su više spremniji da ulažu u državama sa većim brojem liga.
Svaki put kada dobiješ ponudu imaš mogućnost da prihvatiš ili odbiješ ponudu. Nova ponuda će doći čak i ako nije odbijena prethodna ponuda. Prethodna ponuda je odbijena automatski prilikom dolaska nove ponude.
VIP lože
When the VIP lounge construction is finished, the team owners automatically lease it to some company until the end of the current season. Companies then send in new offers at the end of each season. The club will get three offers on three consecutive days. If you accept the first offer, the club will not receive further offers. If you do not accept any of the three offers, the owners will lease the VIP lounge to a new company on the following day even without your approval. VIP lounges are leased for the whole duration of the following season. The sum offered by the leaseholder will be divided into regular weekly payments, which will be transfered to the club's account each Wednesday. To help you make a decision, the human resources and economic department will give their recommendation on each offer. The amount of money you get from the lease of the VIP lounges lease is influenced mainly by: the ranking in the league, the overall team rating, the level of the human resources and economic department and the level of the stand. Prva ponda stiže poslijednjeg četvrtka u sezoni koji je 109 dan sezone.
The VIP lounge suitors also take into account whether your team was promoted or relegated. If your team was promoted to a higher league, you can expect better offers. On the other hand if it was relegated, the offers will be worse. VIP lounge suitors pay special attention to how your team approaches key promotion or relegation matches. If they find out that your team plays these matches with significantly weakened lineup, it will reflect on their offers at the end of the season.
Taking part or qualifying for Champions' League or Cup Winners' Cup will also draw better offers from the companies for the lease of the VIP lounges. The quality of the offer is also influenced by the level of your league. The number of league tiers in the country may also influence the VIP lounge lease offers. There is a bigger demand for VIP lounges in countries with larger number of leagues.
Svaki put kada dobiješ ponudu imaš mogućnost da prihvatiš ili odbiješ ponudu. Nova ponuda će doći čak i ako nije odbijena prethodna ponuda. Prethodna ponuda je odbijena automatski prilikom dolaska nove ponude.
Novčana nagrada
The teams can gain some extra funds from the prize money. The prize money is awarded for final ranking in the league and also for the leading positions in the player statistics. The prize money depends on the final rank of the team and/or player as well as the level of your league and the average overall team rating of all the teams in the league.
If you plan to build up the stadium or buy players but the financial situation is not the best, you can borrow money from the bank. You have to be careful when borrowing because the bank loans money with interest which has to be repaid as well. You can only have one loan at a time! Pozajmice se može vratiti ranije ali samo ako imate dovoljnu količinu novca na svom računu. Što prije vratite pozajmicu, manje ćete potrošiti na plaćanje kamate.
Postoji 6 vrsta pozajmice u zavisnosti od pozajmljene količine. Za svaku vrstu pozajmice moraš da imaš određeni nivo menadžerskog iskustva. Što veću količinu novaca želiš da pozajmiš, potreban ti je veći nivo menadžerskog iskustva.
The most important characteristics of a player are his attributes. Each player has nine basic attributes: Goalkeeping, Defense, Midfield, Offense, Shooting, Passing, Technique, Speed and Heading. Each of these attributes has its quality, which is inborn and does not change throughout the career. You can only see exact values of the quality of attributes for players who have been scouted by the scouts from your human resources and economic department. The quality of the attribute determines the ability of a player to improve the given skill. The maximum value of any player attribute is 655.
A - Vrijednost atributa koristi se da odredi trenutnu sposobnost igrača.
B - Kvalitet atributa koristi se da odredi sposobnost igrača da poboljša trenirani atribut.
Players in different positions use different combination of skills. The combination of skills used by players in the centre of the field is slightly different from the combinations used on the sides of the field. Some attributes are more important for a player on the side of the defense than for a player in the middle and vice versa.
Možeš vidjeti preciznu vrijednost na dvije decimale povlačenjem miša preko atributa u profilu igrača. Kvalitet svake vještine je prikazan sivom bojom pored vrijednosti vještine. Ako je igrač skautiran, prikazani kvaliteti su točni i ispisani zelenom bojom.
The performance of a player is mostly influenced by his primary attribute - goalkeeping for a goalkeeper, defense for a defender, midfield for a midfielder and offense for forward. The other attributes influence the performance of a player to a various extent based on his position on the playing field.
Opis osobina:
Na golu: This attribute is only used by the goalkeepers. It represents the ability of a goalkeeper to stop the shots from going into the net. High value of this attribute helps the goalkeeper keep a good save percentage.
Odbrana: This attribute is used by all the players (except the goalkeeper) to stop the opponents from scoring by not letting them create scoring chances. It is used mainly by defenders but it is also useful for midfielders and forwards. Midfielders use it more often than forwards.
Vezni red: This attribute is used by all the players except the goalkeeper. Strong midfield is often the difference between winning and losing. It is used mainly by midfielders but it is also useful for defenders and forwards.
Napad: The offense attribute is needed for the players to be successful in the offensive aspect of the game. It represents the ability of players to create a scoring chance and it also represents the ratio of how often the player will shoot in a good scoring chance. Players with lower offense attribute often choose to pass even if they should rather take a shot. It is used mainly by forwards but it is also used to a certain extent by midfielders and defenders. This attribute is more important for midfielders than it is for defenders.
Šutiranje: The shooting attribute is important for all the players who find themselves in the situation to shoot. The higher the shooting attribute, the higher the possibility that the player will capitalize on his scoring chance. The most frequently shooting players are centre forwards. However, the shooting attribute is also important for free kicks and penalty kicks. To a certain extent this attribute also influences the quality of the cross passes as well as crosses from free kicks and corner kicks.
Dodavanje: You cannot play football without good passing. Every player, including the goalkeeper, must be able to pass the ball. This attribute is most important for centre midfielders. On the other hand, it is least used by goalkeepers and centre forwards. Players use passing also for crosses, free kicks and corner kicks.
Tehnika: This attribute has a number of uses. It is needed for all players including the goalkeeper. Technique represents the ability of a player to dribble with the ball or to deceive the opponent with fake moves. It also represents the kicking technique of players which is important mainly for free kick and to a certain extent for penalty kicks. Goalkeeper needs technique to be more effective at stopping the ball. The kicking technique is also important for a player who plays the corner kick or a cross pass.
Brzina: Speed is a critical part of the game. In general it can be said that the players positioned on the sides of the playing field use speed more than players in centre positions. Speed is also used by the goalkeeper in order to quickly react to crosses or shots. Speed is important for a player who delivers the cross pass and to a certain extent it is also used by the player who is on the receiving end of that cross.
Glavom: It is hard to imagine football without heading. This skill is used in offense, defense and sometimes it is used in midfield too. Centre backs use this skill most often to neutralize dangerous crosses of the attacking team. On the other hand, the attackers are trying to score from these crosses and they often use their head to achieve this. Centre forwards have the best position to score with a header. For goalkeepers this attribute represents the ability to react to opponent's crosses. It is certainly not a good idea to underestimate practicing this attribute for goalkeepers.
Secondary attribute usage
The table below shows the usage of secondary attributes based on the positions. The table shows only approximate influences and two attributes in the same column don't necessarily have to have the same influence. It is also important to note that every player on the pitch moves around and if he finds himself out of his usual position, he uses the attributes needed for the position in which he finds himself at that moment.
Pozicija | Glavni uticaj | Srednji uticaj | Mali uticaj |
Golman | Tehnika, Brzina | - | Dodavanje, Glavom |
Nazad | Brzina | Dodavanje, Tehnika | Glavom |
Štoper | - | Glavom, Dodavanje, Tehnika, Brzina | - |
Igrač sredine terena | Brzina | Dodavanje, Tehnika | Glavom |
Vezni | Dodavanje, Tehnika | - | Brzina, Glavom |
Široko naprijed | Brzina, Tehnika | Dodavanje | Glavom |
Centarfor | Brzina | Tehnika | Dodavanje, Glavom |
In the next table you can see the approximate influences of attributes in the individual types of plays.
Type of play | Glavni uticaj | Srednji uticaj | Mali uticaj |
Shot | Šutiranje | Tehnika | Brzina, Glavom |
Penalty kick | Šutiranje | Tehnika | - |
Free kick | Šutiranje, Tehnika | - | Dodavanje, Brzina |
Cross - Golman | Glavom, Brzina | - | - |
Cross - Passer | - | Dodavanje, Brzina, Šutiranje, Tehnika | - |
Cross - Strjelac | Glavom, Šutiranje | - | Brzina, Tehnika |
Corner kick | Dodavanje, Tehnika | Šutiranje | - |
Omiljena strana
Some players have a preferred side, depending on which side of the pitch they like to play. Others - universals, play equally well on the right, left and in the centre. The universals are the best choice for the positions in the centre because the players in the central positions influence the play on both wings. If, for instance, you put a player who prefers to play on the right into the centre, his influence on the left wing will be somewhat decreased.
Dužina karijere
Još jedna bitna karakteristika igrača je duljina njegove karijere. Dužina karijere pokazuje koliko dugo će igrač napredovati. Dužina karijere ima sedam nivoa. Ako igrač dostigne najniži nivo (0/6), on prestaje da napreduje i njegove osobine počinju da opadaju. Brzina opadanja osobina se povećava s godinama.
Dužina karijere se obnavlja jednom u toku sezone za vrijeme sezonske kalkulacije. Dužina karijere nikada ne može biti veća, ali može ostati na istom nivou duže vrijeme. U kasnijim godinama, ova vrijednost opada brže.
Svaki igrač ima određeni nivo popularnosti, koja pokazije kako je popularan kod fanova. Popularnost raste sa njegovim igranjem i sa njegovom pozicijom u ligaškoj statistici. Popularnost brže raste u višim divizijama. Nivoi popularnosti od najmanjeg do najvećeg su: Nepoznat, Poznat, Popularan, Cjenjen, Slavan, Zvezda, Svjetska zvijezda i Superstar. Postoje dvije glavne prednosti dobivanja popularnog igrača u momčadi. On utječe na posjetu i na prodaju suvenira.
Popularity of a player may also decrease. The more popular the player is, the more popularity points he loses after a bad performance. This does not apply to friendly and tournament matches which have no influence on the popularity of the players.
Energija igrača se pokazuje na osnovu dva broja - trenutna energija i sezonska energija. Ovo je prikazano u sledećem formatu: npr. 80/100. Prvi broj pokazuje trenutnu energiju igrača, npr. energiju koju igrač ima u datom trenutku. Drugi broj je sezonska energija i to je maksimum energije koji igrač može dostići tokom te sezone. Sezonska energija opada kako broj odigranih mečeva tog igrača raste. On opada brže ako se mečevi igraju sa visokom važnošću. Zbog toga se sezonska energija ne može povećati. Ona je na maksimumu na početku sezone, posle glavne sezonske kalkulacije. Energija igrača je veoma bitna jer mali nivo energije šteti učinku igrača u meču. Svakom igraču, kome trenutna energija opadne tokom meča, ona se vrati na maksimalnu sezonsku energiju automatski procesom regeneracije.
The decrease of current and seasonal energy of players is based on minutes played. Minutes played in the extra time are included in that.
The seasonal energy of players decreases according to the following table (based on 90 minutes played):
Vrsta utakmice | Veoma nizak | Niska | Normalno | Visoka | Veoma visok |
Friendly and tournament matches | 0.02 | 0.05 | 0.10 | 0.20 | 0.30 |
Competitive matches | 0.10 | 0.25 | 0.50 | 1.00 | 1.50 |
Bilješka: Matches played in the league, National Cup, international cups and national team matches (except friendlies) are all competitive matches.
The players gain experience by playing minutes in matches. The more difficult the matches are, the more experience the player gains. Experience has a direct influence on the player's performance in the match. Match importance also has an effect on experience gains. The higher the importance, the more experience player can gain from the match.
Rating in match
Apart from the statistics, the match report also contains the rating of each player who has appeared in the match. This rating does not represent the performance of the player in that match, but his abilities and overall suitability for the position on which he played during the match. If a player has changed his position during the match, this will have an effect on his rating. The final rating is the combination of his experience, chemistry, energy and attributes needed for the given position. The rating is intended to help you train and use players properly.
U PowerPlay Manager-u maksimalna duljina oporavka je 28 dana. Međutim, ozljede koje traju do dva tjedna su češće. Na učestalost povreda u Vašem timu utiče dosta faktora. Tim sa velikim brojem igrača će logično imati više povreda. Imaćete manje povreda i oporavak će trajati kraće, ako imate visok nivo medicinskog centra i ako zaposlite dobre doktore.
Players who have less than 6 days to full recovery have day-to-day status. These players can play, but the further away from full recovery they are, the poorer their performance in the match. You can set whether your day-to-day players should play or not play matches automatically. Pažnja! Ova podešavanja se odnose samo na igrače koji će biti povređeni. Podešavanje za trenutno povređene igrače mora biti namješteno posebno za svakog igrača.
If a player gets too many yellow cards or a red card, he will not be allowed to play one or more matches. Two yellow cards in one match are not considered as a red card for the purposes of a suspension.
Liga (including relegation/promotion round)
Cards | Dužina suspenzije (utakmice) |
Žuti kartoni: 4 | 1 |
Žuti kartoni: 8 | 2 |
Žuti kartoni: 12 | 3 |
Žuti kartoni: 16 | 4 |
Žuti kartoni: 20 | 5 |
Žuti kartoni: 24 | 6 |
Žuti kartoni: 28 | 7 |
Crveni karton | 2 |
National Cup and international competitions
Cards | Dužina suspenzije (utakmice) |
2,4,6,... yellow cards | 1 |
Crveni karton | 2 |
If a player doesn't serve the full length of his suspension in one season or edition of the given competition, the suspension will be carried over to the next season or edition. However, his card counter will be set to back zero. Each suspension is only valid in the competition where it was awarded and cannot be served in a different competition.
Player who is currently serving a suspension has an icon indicating this in his profile and on the Line-up page. Moving your mouse over this icon reveals the name of the competition for which the suspension is valid and the number of matches.
Otpuštanje igrača
Ako igrač kome je ukupan rejting veći od 250 bude otpušten ili njegov ugovor istekne, on će automatski biti na tržištu. Ako je njegov ukupan rejting manji ili jedank od 250, igrač će se penzionisati. Ukoliko menadžer ne produži ugovor sa slobodnim igračem koji nije primio druge ponude od ostalih klubova, igrač će u penziju.
Igrači reprezentacije
Ako je igrač u reprezentaciji i njegov klub izgubi menadžera, igrač će automatski biti poslan na tržište, bez obzira na njegov ukupni rejting.
Početnički ugovori sa igračima iz sportske akademije su potpisani od 56 do 168 dana. Ako ste stekli igrača preko tržišta, dužina njegovog ugovora je u trajanju od 112 dana. Ukoliko ne želite da nastavite ugovor sa nekim od igrača, isključite produženje ugovora na Igrač-Ugovori stranici. Druga mogućnost da se oslobodite igrača je poništenje ugovora u profilu igrača. Međutim, ako raskinete ugovor morate platiti 50% od preostalog ugovora koji igrač ima kao nadoknadu.
Ukoliko slobodnom igraču ističe ugovor a on ne zahtjeva nikakav dodatni bonus, njegov ugovor će se automatski produžiti u slučaju da je automatsko produženje ugovora aktivirano. Dužina novog ugovora zavisi od tipa slobodnog igrača, odnosno njegovih godina.
Upozorenje! Automatsko produženje ugovora je isključeno kada je opcija APU namještena na "Ne".
The player salary depends mainly on the value of the two highest attributes, experience, popularity and league level. Higher league means higher expenses on player salaries. Foreign players have 25% higher salaries than local players. Svi igrači se smatraju lokalnim igračima u kontinentalnim ligama bez obzira na njihovo porijeklo.
Plata članova osoblja zavisi uglavnom od vrijednost najjače osobine, a manje od vrijednosti drugih osobina. Članovi osoblja iz viših liga su skuplji.
Slobodni igrači
Nakon dostizanja određenih godina, igrač dobija status slobodnog igrača i može primiti ponude za ugovor od drugih timova. Postoje tri vrste slobodnih igrača:
- Ograničen slobodan agent
Igrač koji je napunio 26 godina i čiji ugovor istječe za 14 dana. Ovakav igrač ima pravo da pregovara o ugovoru s drugim momčadima. Njegov novi ugovor će biti sastavljen od bonusa za ugovor i dnevne plate koja se računa standardno. Ugovor će trajati 336 dana (3 sezone). Timovi mogu slati ponude od 14 do 8 dana prije isteka ugovora. Zatim će trenutni tim imati 7 dana da pošalje istu ponudu kao i ona koja je trenutno najveća. Za trenutni tim je dovoljno da plati 15% do 70% najveće ponude kako bi zadržao igrača (točan broj ovisi o broju sezonskih bonusa isplaćenih igraču). Ako trenutni tim ne pošalje ili ne može poslati ponudu, igrač će potpisati ugovor s timom koji je poslao najveću ponudu. Njegov bivši tim dobiva 50% od cijene ugovora kao kompenzaciju za gubitak zabranjenog slobodnog igrača. - Grupa 1 Neograničen slobodan agent
Igrač koji napuni 29 godina i čiji ugovor istječe za 14 dana. Ovaj igrač ima pravo da pregovara o ugovoru s drugim momčadima. Njegov novi ugovor će biti sastavljen od bonusa za ugovor i dnevne plate koja se računa standardno. Ugovor će trajati 336 dana (3 sezone). Timovi mogu slati ponude od 14 do 8 dana prije isteka ugovora. Zatim će trenutni tim imati 7 dana da pošalje istu ponudu kao i ona koja je trenutno najveća. Za trenutni tim je dovoljno da plati 35% do 90% najveće ponude kako bi zadržao igrača (točan broj ovisi o broju sezonskih bonusa koji su plaćeni igraču). Ako trenutni tim ne pošalje ili ne može poslati ponudu, igrač će potpisati ugovor s timom koji je poslao najveću ponudu. Njegov bivši tim ne dobiva nikakvu kompenzaciju, jer je igrač dozvoljen slobodan igrač. - Grupa 2 Neograničen slobodan agent
Igrač koji napuni 32 godine i čiji ugovor istječe za 14 dana. Ovaj igrač ima pravo da pregovara o ugovoru s drugim momčadima. Njegov novi ugovor će biti sastavljen od bonusa za ugovor i dnevne plate koja se računa standardno. Ugovor će trajati 112 dana (1 sezona). Timovi mogu slati ponude od 14 do 8 dana prije isteka ugovora. Zatim će trenutni tim imati 7 dana da pošalje istu ponudu kao i ona koja je trenutno najveća. Za trenutni tim je dovoljno da plati 35% do 90% najveće ponude kako bi zadržao igrača (točan broj ovisi o broju sezonskih bonusa koji su plaćeni igraču). Ako trenutni tim ne pošalje ili ne može poslati ponudu, igrač će potpisati ugovor s timom koji je poslao najveću ponudu. Njegov bivši tim ne dobiva nikakvu kompenzaciju, jer je igrač dozvoljen slobodan igrač.
Sezonski bonusi
Every season, you may pay out bonuses to a maximum of three under 25 players, who you consider core players important for the future of your club, in order to gain their loyalty. The season bonus equals 10 day salary of the player and for every such bonus, the player gives you a 5% discount on the signing bonus when he reaches free agency. This means that the maximum number of bonuses that a player can get throughout his career is 11 (from 15 to 25 years of age). This way you can get a discount of up to 55% on the signing bonus. These bonuses are not published.
There are a number of factors that influence the practice efficiency. The most important is the level of training and regeneration facilities and the quality of the staff working there. The higher the quality of the practiced attribute, the faster the improvement rate. As the career longevity decreases and the player gets older, the ability to improve decreases too. Players who play more minutes must regenerate more and therefore they will practice less after a match. Regeneration is automatic. Players who play in the match will get a smaller practice improvement on that given day in comparison to players who rested. The smaller practice improvement is compensated by the experience gained, which also has a significant influence on the performance of a player. The better the regeneration facility, the faster the players regenerate after a match and their practice deficit compared to the players who rest decreases.
Attributes are divided into offensive (offense, shooting), defensive (goalkeeping, defense) and universal (midfield, passing, technique, speed, heading). If your players practice offensive attributes, the coaches apply their attribute called offense coaching. The regeneration of these players will depend on the physiotherapists and their attribute offense regeneration. If your players practice defensive attributes, the coaches apply their attribute called defense coaching. The regeneration of these players will depend on the physiotherapists and their attribute defense regeneration. If your players practice universal attributes, the coaches apply the average value of their two attributes. The regeneration of these players will depend on the physiotherapists and the average value of their two attributes.
Ukoliko želite da pojačate svoju postavu za odrećeni tip igrača ili Vam treba radnik, tržište Vam daje šansu da ga nađete. Tržište radi kao aukcija i dobija menadžer koji je poslao najveću ponudu. Ako netko pošalje novu ponudu i ima još manje od minute do kraja roka, onda se rok pomiče za još jednu minutu. Nakon isteka roka, transferi su završeni u intervalu od jednog sata, što znači da ćete dobiti igrača ili radnika ubrzo nakon krajnjeg roka.
For every transfer there is a minimum 5% fee from the transfer price that is paid to the football association, with the minimum fee being 10,000. The 5% transfer fee is set for the first 10 players sold over the last 112 days. If your team has more than 10 players sold over the last 112 days, the fee goes up by 2% for every player sold beyond the limit. The maximum fee is 50% from the selling price. The fee is always paid by the selling team and it is paid even if there are no bidders for the player. If a player is not sold, only 5% from the starting bid price is paid (minimum 10,000 and maximum 5,000,000).
UPOZORENJE: Ako kupiš novog igrača, nećeš moći ga prodaš sljedećih 50 dana. Ovo se ne odnosi na igrače iz sportske akademije i početne igrače.
Ista pravila o transferima se odnose i na članove osoblja. Broj prodaja se računa posebno za igrače i članove osoblja. To znači da naknada za transfer igrača nije povezana s naknadom za transfer članova osoblja.
Kako biste mogli da kupujete ili prodajete igrače i članove osoblja morate imati makar 11 poena menadžerskog iskustva. Razlog za to je sprječavanje mogućeg varanja i kako bismo zaštitili nove menadžere da donesu pogrešne odluke.
Predostrožnost: Član osoblja koji ima manje od 11 dana do penzije ne može biti postavljen na tržište.
Slobodni igrači
Zabranjeni i dozvoljeni slobodni igrači su istaknuti na tržištu. Za ove igrače vrijede drugačija pravila. Možeš poslati samo 1 ponudu svakom slobodnom igraču. Ne nudiš novac timu, nego igraču kao cijenu potpisivanja ugovora. Slobodan igrač prihvata ponude klubova 14 do 8 dana prije isteka njegovog ugovora. Sve ponude su povjerljive.
Igrač bira najveću ponudu i onda daje svom trenutnom timu 7 dana da pošalje jednaku ponudu. To može varirati na temelju statusa slobodnog igrača i njegove lojalnosti klubu. Čak iako igrač izabere tvoju ponudu, to ne znači da će potpisati ugovor za tvoj klub. Da li ćeš uzeti igrača ili ne, ovisi o tome hoće li njegov trenutni klub platiti ili ne.
Ako igrač dobije više jednakih ponuda, on bira tim iz lige s većim prosječnim rejtingom. Ako je i dalje izjednačeno onda bira tim sa većim ukupnim timskim rejtingom.
Ako uspiješ da kupiš zabranjenog slobodnog igrača, potpisaćeš ugovor sa njim na 336 dana (sezone) i njegov bivši klub dobija kompezaciju u iznosu od 50% ugovora. U slučaju grupe 1 dozvoljenih slobodnih igrača, dužina ugovora je takođe 336 dana (3 sezone), ali njegov bivši klub ne dobija nikakvu kompezaciju. Grupa 2 slobodni igrači uvjek potpisuje ugovor samo na 112 dana (1 sezona).
Predostrožnost: Igrač koji postane slobodan agent za manje od 9 dana ne može biti stavljen na tržište igrača (manje od 23 dana prije isteka ugovora)
In the beginning, each club has a small stadium with a capacity of 400 spectators with benches in all sectors. The stadium has 8 sectors marked A through H. You can build a different type of stand in each sector with different accessories. The table below shows the overview of the types of stands and their capacities and available accessories:
Nivo | Vrsta tribine | Minimalni kapacitet | Maksimalan kapacitet | Bife | Restoran | VIP salon | Pres centar | Prodavnica za fanove |
1 | Klupe | 50 | 200 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
2 | Male za stajanje | 400 | 1,200 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
3 | Srednje za stajanje | 600 | 1,800 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
4 | Velike za stajanje | 800 | 2,400 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
5 | Male za sjedenje | 1,000 | 2,000 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
6 | Srednje za sjedenje | 1,200 | 2,400 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
7 | Velike za sijedenje | 1,600 | 3,600 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 3 |
8 | Dvospratne multifunkcionalne | 3,000 | 6,000 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
9 | Trospratne multifunkcionalne | 4,000 | 10,000 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Što bolje tribine, veća posjeta može da se očekuje. Naravno, cijena raste s većim novo i vrijeme gradnje takođe se povećava, kao što možete vidjeti na tabeli:
Vrsta tribine | Minimalni kapacitet | Maksimalan kapacitet | Minimalna cjena | Maksimalna cijena | Građenje (Dana) |
Povećanje kapaciteta (Dana) |
Min/maks dnevni troškovi |
Klupe | 50 | 200 | - | 1 | 150/240 | ||
Male za stajanje | 400 | 1,200 | 260,000 | 580,000 | 3-5 | 3-4 | 520/1,160 |
Srednje za stajanje | 600 | 1,800 | 1,000,000 | 2,200,000 | 6-10 | 4-6 | 2,000/4,400 |
Velike za stajanje | 800 | 2,400 | 2,600,000 | 5,800,000 | 15-20 | 6-9 | 5,200/11,600 |
Male za sjedenje | 1,000 | 2,000 | 6,000,000 | 11,000,000 | 35-40 | 9-13 | 12,000/22,000 |
Srednje za sjedenje | 1,200 | 2,400 | 10,200,000 | 17,400,000 | 41-47 | 11-16 | 20,400/34,800 |
Velike za sijedenje | 1,600 | 3,600 | 16,000,000 | 28,500,000 | 48-58 | 14-22 | 32,000/57,000 |
Dvospratne multifunkcionalne | 3,000 | 6,000 | 29,000,000 | 50,000,000 | 60-75 | 17-29 | 58,000/100,000 |
Trospratne multifunkcionalne | 4,000 | 10,000 | 70-100 | 21-46 | 76,000/163,000 |
You can build various accessories on each type of stand. Snack bars and restaurants draw more people to the stadium. Fan shops increase the revenues from the souvenir sales. VIP lounges can be leased and they bring extra income to the club. Press centers allow journalists to make reports from the matches, which increases the motivation of the players and therefore their performance. Some types of accessories can only be built on the more expensive stands. If you want to build a better type of a stand, you first need to demolish all the accessories of the current stand and then the stand itself. After demolition, you will get a refund of 50% of the value of the stand and its accessories. Jedino tada ćete moći gradite nove tibina. Pažnja! Tijekom gradnje taj sektor tribina neće imati gledaoce na utakmicama.
Other stadium upgrades include car park, scoreboard, floodlights and the quality of the pitch can also be improved. All of these improvements help increase the attendance. Every level of car park represents 2,000 parking spots. You can build a maximum of 10,000 parking spots.
Dodaci izgradnje u vremenu trajanja po danima:
Stadium upgrades | Trajanje izgradnje |
Bife | 15 |
Prodavnica za fanove | 15 |
Pres centar | 15 |
Restoran | 30 |
VIP salon | 30 |
Parking | 15 |
Semafor | 30 |
Kvalitet terena | 30 |
Reflektori | 30 |
Cijena opreme povećava se s razinom tribina gdje se grade:
Nivo tribina | Cjena | Dnevni troškovi |
1 | 5,000 | 10 |
2 | 15,000 | 30 |
3 | 75,000 | 150 |
4 | 210,000 | 420 |
5 | 425,000 | 850 |
6 | 765,000 | 1,530 |
7 | 1,260,000 | 2,520 |
8 | 1,680,000 | 3,360 |
9 | 2,857,500 | 5,715 |
Prices of stadium upgrades:
Nivo | Parking | Semafor | Kvalitet terena | Reflektori |
1 | 2,000,000 | 4,000,000 | 4,000,000 | 4,000,000 |
2 | 4,000,000 | 8,000,000 | 8,000,000 | 8,000,000 |
3 | 6,000,000 | 12,000,000 | 12,000,000 | 12,000,000 |
4 | 8,000,000 | 16,000,000 | 16,000,000 | 16,000,000 |
5 | 10,000,000 | 20,000,000 | 20,000,000 | 20,000,000 |
Daily expenses on the maintenance of stadium upgrades:
Nivo | Parking | Semafor | Kvalitet terena | Reflektori |
1 | 4,000 | 8,000 | 8,000 | 8,000 |
2 | 8,000 | 16,000 | 16,000 | 16,000 |
3 | 12,000 | 24,000 | 24,000 | 24,000 |
4 | 16,000 | 32,000 | 32,000 | 32,000 |
5 | 20,000 | 40,000 | 40,000 | 40,000 |
Naposječenost utiču sljedeći faktori :
- Stadium capacity
- Nivo tribina
- Oprema za tribine (uglavnom za osveženje)
- Nivo semafora
- Kvalitet terena
- Level of floodlights
- Broj parking mjesta
- Pozicija Vašeg tima u ligi
- Pozicija protivnika u ligi
- Nivo lige
- Ukupni timski rejting
- Popularnost Vaših i protivnikovih igrača
- Derbi (meč između timova iz istog regiona)
An important part of a football club is its facilities. There are seven types of facilities. In the beginning every club has every facility on the first level. There are 15 levels for each type of facility and the higher levels have higher expenses on maintenance. The construction duration and the price increases with each level.
Nivo objekta | Trajanje izgradnje (Dana) | Cjena | Dnevni troškovi |
1 | - | - | 300 |
2 | 2 | 300,000 | 600 |
3 | 5 | 450,000 | 900 |
4 | 9 | 750,000 | 1,500 |
5 | 14 | 1,200,000 | 2,400 |
6 | 20 | 1,950,000 | 3,900 |
7 | 27 | 3,150,000 | 6,300 |
8 | 35 | 5,100,000 | 10,200 |
9 | 44 | 8,250,000 | 16,500 |
10 | 54 | 13,350,000 | 26,700 |
11 | 65 | 21,600,000 | 43,200 |
12 | 77 | 34,950,000 | 69,900 |
13 | 90 | 56,550,000 | 113,100 |
14 | 104 | 91,500,000 | 183,000 |
15 | 119 | 148,050,000 | 296,100 |
Vrste objekata
- Objekat treninga - Objekat treninga pruža priliku gdje igrači mogu trenirati i dobijati iskustvo što je više moguće. Možeš angažovati člana osoblja - trener povećava uticaj na objekat treninga.
- Objekat regeneracije - Mečevi zamaraju igrače, tako da su oni u nemogućnosti da nakon njih treniraju efikasno. Izgradnjom objekta Regeneracije možeš izbjeći ovaj problem. Možeš zaposliti i člana osoblja - psihoterapeuta da uveća uticaj ovog objekta. Dobar objekat regeneracije i njegovo osoblje takođe pomažu efikasnost treninga igrača koji ne igraju, ali u manjoj mjeri.
- Ljudski resursi i ekonomska služba - Lakši pregovori sa sponyirima, efikasnija prodaja suvenira, zapošljavanje boljih članova osoblja ili brže skautiranje tvojih igrača kao i igrača tvojih protivnika se dobijaju ovim djelom. Možeš zaposliti člana osoblja - menadžer povećava uticaj ljudskih resursa i ekonomske službe.
- Centar održavanja - Svaki stadion vremenom ostari. Kako bi smanjio troškove održavanja i kako bi izbjegao štetu od strane navijača, moraš izgraditi Centar za održavanje. Možeš zaposliti člana osoblja - Čuvar koji može povećati uticaj Centra za održavanje.
- Centar za obuku - Ako želiš da tvoje osoblje nastavi unapređivanje i trening, moraš da ulažeš u centar za edukaciju. Možeš angažovati člana osoblja - predavača, koji poboljšava uticaj centra za edukaciju.
- Akademija sporta - Nivo svoje sportske akademije određuje kakve će juniore klub donijeti. Što je veći nivo, to ce više juniore biti i bolje pripremljeni. Tvoji seniori će takođe ići u sportsku akademiju gdje će u kampu povećati svoje vještine brže. Možes angažovati člana osoblja - sportski direktor povećava uticaj na sportsku akademiju.
- Medicinski centar - Povrede su nesreća za svaki tim. Da se smanji mogućnost od povreda i ubrza oporavak igrača poslije povreda možeš izgraditi medicinski centar. Možes angažovati člana osoblja - doktor ppovećava uticaj na medicinski centar.
Nivo objekta | Minimum | Maksimum |
1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 1 | 1 |
3 | 1 | 1 |
4 | 1 | 2 |
5 | 1 | 2 |
6 | 1 | 2 |
7 | 1 | 2 |
8 | 2 | 3 |
9 | 2 | 3 |
10 | 2 | 3 |
11 | 2 | 3 |
12 | 2 | 4 |
13 | 2 | 4 |
14 | 2 | 4 |
15 | 2 | 4 |
Objekti imaju uticaj čak i ako nemate zaposlenog tamo. Međutim unajmljivanjem osoblja daju veliki dodatni uticaj. Svaki objekat može imati maksimalno dva člana osoblja. Glavni član osoblja ima veći uticaj nego pomoćnik. Ako ne označite poziciju člana osoblja, on nema uticaj na objekat. Možeš imati do 8 članova osoblja u svakom objektu.
Kandidati šalju svoje prijave za posao sami i Vaši ljudski resursi i ekonomska služba procjenjuju ove prijave jednom nedjeljno. Broj prijavljenih raste s razinom ljudskih resursa i ekonomske službe. Takođe je i pod utjecajem Vaših menadžera i njihove sposobnosti skautinga. Međutim, garantuje Vam se bar jedan podnosioc zahtjeva za posao a možete dobiti čak 4 kandidata u isto vrijeme.
Kandidati se generišu prvi put kada ih pogledate. Međutim, ako ih ne vidite u posljednjoj grupi sezone prije kraja sezone, kandidati će se generisati automatski prije početka nove sezone.
Tributi od osoblja su pod uticajem nivoa objekta. Ako je recimo objekat treninga na nivou 10, vi ćete dobiti bolje osoblje za taj posao nego osoblje na trening objektu nivoa 3. Ako ne zaposlite osoblje na tu poziciju, uskoro će biti prodležon novi kandidat od strane upravnog odbora.
Član osoblja uvijek potpisuje ugovor za narednih 112 dana. U slučaju da ne želiš da produžiš njegov ugovor, isključi opciju automatskog produženja ugovora na njegovom profilu na sranici Članovi osoblja. Takođe, možeš da otpuštiš člana osoblja tako što ćeš raskinuti ugovor. Svakako, ukoliko raskineš ugovor moraćeš da platiš pola od preostale vrijednosti ugovora ako kompenzaciju. Takođe možeš ga postaviti i na tržište.
Kandidati mogu biti od 50 do 55 godina. Svaki član osoblja odlazi u penziju sa 61-om godinom, što znači da nećeš moći da produžiš njegov ugovor. Svaki član osoblja ima dvije osobine i svaka od njih ima svoju kvalitet. Pravi kvalitet osobina možeš vidjeti samo kada skautiraš člana osoblja.
- Trener je član osoblja koji radi u trebning centru. Njegovi atributi su:
- Treniranje odbrane – this attribute indicates the ability to train the defensive attributes of players (goalkeeping, defense) and it has a partial influence on the training of universal attributes of players (midfield, passing, technique, speed, heading).
- Treniranje napada – this attribute indicates the ability to train the offensive attributes of players (offense, shooting) and it has a partial influence on the training of universal attributes of players (midfield, passing, technique, speed, heading).
- Fizioterapeut je član osoblja koji radi u centru za regeneraciju. Njegovi atributi su:
- Obnavljanje odbrane – this attribute indicates the ability to regenerate players, who practice defensive attributes (goalkeeping, defense) and it has a partial influence on the regeneration of players, who practice universal attributes (midfield, passing, technique, speed, heading).
- Obnavljanje napada – this attribute indicates the ability to regenerate players, who practice offensive attributes (offense, shooting) and it has a partial influence on the regeneration of players, who practice universal attributes (midfield, passing, technique, speed, heading).
- Menadžer je član osoblja koji radi u centru za ljudske resurse i ekonomiju. Njegovi atributi su:
- Skautiranje - ovaj atribut predstavlja sposobnost da se napravi precizna procjena o kvalitetu igrača, osoblja i ona takođe utiče na brzinu izviđenja. Atribut takođe dozvoljava više kandidata za posao.
- Marketing - ovaj atribut ukazuje na sposobnost boljeg pregovaranja sa generalnim i medijskim sponzorima.
- Stadium custodian is a staff member working in the maintenance center. His attributes are:
- Služba sigurnosti - this attribute indicates the ability to eliminate vandalism at the stadium and thus lower the expenses on maintenance of the stands and their accessories.
- Održavanje - ova osobina predstavlaj mogućnost popravke objekata, a samim tim i smanjenje troškova za održavanje objekata.
- Predavač je član osoblja koji radi u centru za edukaciju. Njegovi atributi su:
- Trening vještine - this attribute indicates the ability to train the following staff members: manager, sporting director and stadium custodian.
- Praktičan trning - ovaj atribut predstavlja sposobnost treniranja sledećih članova osoblja: Trener, fizioterapeut i doktor.
- Sportski direktor je član osoblja koji radi u sportskoj akademiji. Njegovi atributi su:
- Trening omladinaca - ovaj atribut predstavlja mogućnost da pruži više juniora iz sportske akademije. Atribut takođe utiče na kvalitet igača koji doazi iz juniorske škole.
- Trening igrača - ovaj atribut pokazuje sposobnost organizovanja trening kampova za više igrača i omogućavanje boljeg treninga u kampu.
- Doktor je član osoblja koji radi u medicinskom centru. Njegovi atributi su:
- Sprečavanje - ovaj atribut predstavlja mogućnost kako bi smanjili broj ozleda svojih igrača.
- Lječenje - ovaj atribut predstavlja sposobnost brzine regeneracije od povreda igrača.
Napomena - ukoliko imate objekte sa većim nivoom, kandidati za posao će vjerovatno imati veće osobine!
Kvalitet osobina tvojih igrača i članova osoblja su samo trenutno procijenjeni u početku sezone. Točna procjena ovisi od nivoa nadogranje vaših objekata gdje to osoblje radi. Vrijednost osobina je vidljiv sve tvoje igrače i osoblje ali možeš jedino vidjeti celoukupan rejting igrača i osoblja protivničkih timova.
Ako želiš znati točnu vrijednost kvalitete osobina tvojih igrača ili članova osoblja, trebaš ih skautirati sa ljudskim resursima i ekonomskom službom. Podaci o kvalitetu osobina neskautiranim igrača i članova osoblja se redovno ažuriraju na osnovu podizanja nivoa ljudskih resursa i ekonomske službe i sa poboljšanjem menadžera koji rade u ovom dijelu.
Možete takođe skautirati igrače i članove osoblja iz drugih timova da bi pribavili više informacija o njima. Da bi skautirao igrača ili člana osoblja idite na njegov lični profil i dodajte ga na listu za skautiranje. Brzina skautiranja ovisi od razine objekta ljudskih resursa i ekonomske službe kao i osoblja koje u tom objektu radi. Ako unklonite nekog popisa za skautiranje prije nego što je ono gotovo, trebaćete poslije da ga skautiraju ispočetka. Ako ga spustite niže na popisu, dotadašnje skautiranje tog igrača će biti sačuvano. Kada skautira igrače i osoblje svog ili tuđeg tima, znaćete njihove točne vještine i kvalitete.
Centar za obuku
The staff can be trained and improved in the education center. The improvement rate of a staff member depends on the quality of the trained attribute, level of the education center and the lecturers. Lecturers can be trained in the same way as all the other staff members in this education center. The maximum value of any attribute of a staff member is 100.
Akademija sporta
Youth players train and practice in the sports academy. The sporting director regularly sends players for trials in the main team. You can sign and thus hire players who are in a trial period or you can reject them, but in that case they will never come back. Bear in mind that if you do not sign these players, they will leave when the new group of players arrives. With the growing level of your academy and the directors, there will also be more youth players coming up for trials. The maximum is 4 players in one batch.
Juniori se generišu u trenutku kada ih pogledaš. Međutim, ako ne pogledaš posljednju skupinu juniora u sezoni prije kraja sezone, oni će se generirati automatski prije početka nove sezone.
By building up the sports academy you make sure that young players have the best conditions possible for their development and training. The level of sports academy and its staff not only influences the number of players coming out but also their overall rating. On the other hand the average quality of these players is independent from the level of facilities and sporting directors.
Trening kamp
Dva puta u sezoni se organizuje trening kamp u Akademiji sporta. Igrače koje pošalješ u ovaj kamp se brže poboljšavaju. Veći nivo akademije sporta, više igrača možeš poslati u ovaj kamp i oni će se brže poboljšati. Možeš poslati igrače u kamp najviše do 7 dana. Upozorenj! Igrači u trening kampu ne mogu igrati utakmice. Ako je izabrana postava generisana za sledeću utakmicu ( na primjer, nema dovoljno zdravih igrača), neki igrači mogu se vratiti iz kampa na jedan dan kako bi odigrali tu utakmicu. U ovom slučaju oni neće dobiti bonus treninga.
Dva puta u toku sezone održava se draft igrača u svim ligama. U sedmici drafta, nema dolaskka novih igrača iz Akademije. Bićeš u mogućnosti da vidiš dostupne igrače za tvoju ligu, četiri sedmice prije drafta. Možeš iskoristiti ove 4 sedmice da skautiraš igrače. Jedino što možeš znati o njima je njihovo ime, dužina karijere, omiljena strana i pozicija. Svakoga dana možeš skautirati onoliko igrača koliko imaš pravo na odabir u draftu, plus jedan dodatni igrač po danu. Izvještaj skautiranja ćeš dobiti sljedećeg dana.
Skauting će otkriti prognozirani potencijal igrača (A+, A, B, C ili D). Preciznost prognoze zavisi od nivoa ljudskih resursa i ekonomskog dijela i sposobnosti menadžera. U toku svakog drafta može biti do 4 igrača koji su takozvani skriveni talenti-dragulji. Zbog toga ne treba gubiti nadu da se može pronaći daobar igrač u kasnijim rundama drafta. Skautiranje igrača za draft je nezavisno od običnog skautiranja igrača i osoblja.
Broj tvojih izbora u draftu zavisi od nivoa sportske akademije i efikasnosti vaših sportskih direktora u treniranju mlađih igrača. Možeš da imač minimum od 1 izvučenog i maksimum 4 izvučenih
Postoje dvije vrste drafta. Prvi se odnosi na to da tiimovi sa najboljom akademijom i sportskim direktorima sa najvećom efikasnošću treninga omladinaca imaju najveće šanse da biraju prvi. Ova vrsta drafta se održava u neđelji 8. U drugom krugu, tim na zadnjem mjestu u ligi imaće najveće šance da bira prvi igrača- Ova vrsta drafta se održava u neđelji 16. U oba tipa drafa, redoslet drafta je odlučen preko lutrije u kojoj svaki tim može da se pomjeri ili gore ili dolje za tri mjesta. Redosled drfta je obrnut nakon svake runde drafta. To znači da tim koji bude birao prvi u prvoj rundi birace zadnji u sledećoj.
Draft je održava online u vrijeme određeno za tu zemlju. Svaki menadžer će imati jednu minutu da izabere. Ako niste online, igrači se automatski biraju se s vrha popisa.
You will see the attributes of the players that you picked one day after the draft. The attributes will be influenced by the level of your sports academy and sporting directors. You will have time to decide whether you want to sign these players or not until the arrival of the new players from the academy.
Setting up your starting line-up is the key to your team's success. If you don't create your default line-up it will be randomly generated for you, which means that your team's performance will not be optimal. The line-up saved as default is applied automatically.
First you select players for the match by clicking the checkboxes next to the names of the players. These players will be added to the list on top of the screen. Then you can move them one by one with your mouse and place them on the desired positions. 10 players can be placed anywhere on the field but one player must be placed into the goalkeeper's position.
Position labels:
Label | Pozicija |
G | Golman |
LD | Lijevi bek |
CD | Štoper |
RD | Desni bek |
LM | Lijevo krilo |
CM | Vezni |
RM | Desno krilo |
LF | Lijevi napadač |
CF | Centarfor |
RF | Desi napadač |
The football pitch is divided into 9 sectors: three offensive sectors, three midfield sectors and three defensive sectors. Each sector is further divided into the precise positions of the players. There are a total of 50 different positions on the pitch. One of them is reserved for the goalkeeper. The other 49 are placed into a grid with seven horizontal and seven vertical rows.
Each player has a certain area of effect and he influences the play around himself. The player has the biggest influence on the play in his sector. To a certain extent he influences the play in the adjacent sectors and his influence on the more distant sectors is very small. For example, left defender has a certain influence on the play of the midfield (especially on the left wing), on the play of the central defense and a small influence on the right defense and the left offense. His influence on the right offense is negligible.
Each position within a sector has a different area of effect. The closer the player is to the opponent's goal, the more influence he has on offense and less on defense. The closer he is to the left touchline, the bigger his influence on the left sectors and lesser on the right ones.
Apart from selecting the players with the right attributes for the given positions on the pitch, you also have to take into consideration whether you have put the players on their preferred side. Players who don't play on their preferred side, do not feel comfortable on the pitch and their performances will not be optimal.
Another important indicator is chemistry. The chemistry of players improves with the number of minutes played until it reaches 100%. Players also gain chemistry in practice, but not as efficiently as in matches and only until they reach a certain threshold. Players, who are over this threshold and don't play matches, lose chemistry every day even if they practice with the team. Players who are injured don't practice with the team and therefore lose chemistry. Match importance also has an effect on the growth of chemistry of players. The higher the importance, the faster the players can develop chemistry.
Setting up substitutes is an important tactical option. You can select up to 7 substitutes. When selected, you can set a position where they could play. If a player from the starting lineup gets injured, one of the substitutes will be selected to play on his position. You can change the position of the substitute by clicking the dash symbol to the left of his name.
Substitutes for the particular positions are selected as follows:
Position in the lineup | Substitution priority |
Golman | G,-,D,CD,LD,RD |
Lijevi bek | LD,D,CD,RD,- |
Štoper | CD,D,LD,RD,- |
Desni bek | RD,D,CD,LD,- |
Lijevo krilo | LM,M,CM,RM,- |
Vezni | CM,M,LM,RM,- |
Desno krilo | RM,M,CM,LM,- |
Lijevi napadač | LF,F,CF,RF,- |
Centarfor | CF,F,LF,RF,- |
Desi napadač | RF,F,CF,LF,- |
If, for instance, the starting goalkeeper is injured, he will be replaced by the substitute with the G setting, which stands for goalkeeper. If you don't have such substitute, a player with no setting (marked by a dash) will be selected. It is a kind of universal substitute who can replace any player in the lineup. If you have no such player on the bench, the next in line is central defender, after him left defender and finally right defender. If no substitute is found in spite of this, the match will be played by a random lineup.
Ako imaš više od jedne izmjene dodijeljene za istu poziciju, biće izabran onaj koji je prvi na listi.
The Next match page shows, among other things, the overview of your line-up for the upcoming match and the selected tactics. The line-up and tactics must be set 60 minutes before the match at the latest. The changes made later will not be applied.
You can have up to 3 substitutions in a match (6 in a friendly match). Changing the player's position does not count as a substitution. The substitution will only take place if the given player is on the pitch at the given time and if the sub has not yet appeared on the pitch. The substitution will not take place if the sub is set for the position occupied by a different player.
You can set a condition for each substitution which must be met in order for the substitution to happen.
- Send-off – The substitution will take place shortly after a player from your team has been sent off. If you check some positions of players, the substitution will take place only if a player from one of the selected positions is sent off. This condition can be combined with the goal difference option.
- Always – The substitution will take place if all the above-mentioned basic conditions have been met.
- Goal difference – Substitution will take place if the goal difference is within the set interval. If you want to make a substitution when trailing, put negative numbers into the fields. For example from -3 to -1 or from -1 to 2.
Ako je meč odigran sa automatskom postavom iz bilo kog razloga, moguće je da su korišćeni lakše povrijeđeni igrači čak iako imaš drugačija podešavanja.
Load line-up from a previous match
If you cannot create multiple line-ups, you can use the feature to load a line-up from any match that your team had played over the last 7 days. Simply select a match from which you want to load the line-up on the Line-up page. The line-up is loaded exactly as it played in the given match. That means that if substitutes played in that match, they will be placed into the loaded line-up on the exact same position on which they had played. Warning! The line-up is loaded without the settings of captain, players for set pieces and substitutions.
Iskopiraj postavu
Ako imate opciju da napravite više postava, možete koristiti opciju kopiranja postave. Ako, na primjer, želite da napravite postavu A ili B, tako da budu slične osnovnoj postavi, možete kopirati osnovnu postavu i napravite samo manje promjene u zavisnosti od toga koliko želite da postave budu različite. Na ovaj način ne morate da pravite svaku postavu od početka.
Da bi postigao dobre rezultate ne smeš potceniti taktičku pripremu tima. Na strani Taktika možeš naći taktičke opcije koje možeš iskoristiti kako bi imao direktan uticaj na ishod meča.
Važnost utakmice
Važnost meča je kritična taktička opcija. Moraš je koristiti oprezno, jer iako sa visokom važnošću igrači daju svoj maksimum, to utiče na to da njihova sezonska energija brže opada. Niska važost nije toliko pogubna za energiju, ali igrači ne igraju svojim punim potencijalom. Match importance also influences chemistry and experience gains of players. The higher the importance, the faster the players gain chemistry and experience.
Stil igre
Finding the right style of play helps you achieve better results. The key to success is knowing what style of play suits your team best. Possession football utilizes short passes and it is a very effective style of play. However, to be able to play possession football, you need to have a high quality midfield. On the other hand, long ball is advantageous if you don't have the best midfielders. Of course, you can also choose the balanced setting to employ both styles equally.
You can also adjust the style of play to your opponent. If you think he has a weakness in the midfield, you can exploit it by playing possession football. On the contrary, long ball tactics are recommended if your opponent is stronger in midfield than your team.
Tendencija napada
You can select any number of options here. If you think your team is strong on the right wing, you can choose to lead the attacks down the right wing. On the other hand, if you think that right wing is your weak side, you can cancel the choice to lead the attacks down the right wing. It doesn't mean you will not lead any attacks down the right wing but it will significantly decrease the frequency of such attacks. If you mark all three options, all of them will be employed equally by your team.
Once again, you may decide to exploit the weakness of your opponent. Just don't forget that the opponent's right side is left side from your point of view. So if you think his right wing is weak, you can take advantage by leading the attacks down the left wing.
Intezitet igre
One of the tactical options, often employed by the weaker teams, is delaying of play. If you choose this option, your players will try to delay play at every opportunity. On the other hand, the stronger teams will certainly prefer higher intensity of play. Higher intensity brings more attacks and therefore increases the chances of goals being scored.
Aggressive play increases the effectiveness of your players in one on one battles. However, it also increases the chances of fouls. This may lead to cards, free kicks or even penalty kicks. This style of play is more suitable for the less talented teams. The opposite option is cautious play which leads to fewer fouls but also to fewer battles won.
korišćenje ofsajd zamke
Offside trap is tactics whereby your players try to trap the attackers of the other team off side. In order to be able to use tactic effectively, you need to have good chemistry between your players and in particular between your defenders. It is enough if one defender is not in tune with the others and it may cause the offside trap to falter. A well-oiled offside trap increases the effectiveness of your defense.
Stil igre u odbrani
Here you can choose whether your defenders will play safety first or whether they will try to support the midfield. If you want to play safety first, make sure to select the option to clear the ball out of danger. The main objective of the defenders under this tactic is to get the ball away from their own goal as soon as possible. If you want your defenders to be more creative, choose the option to retain possession and pass the ball. The defenders will try to pass the ball to the midfielders and support the forward play. This tactic increases the chances that the defender will make a mistake. If you can't decide, choose the option in the middle.
PowerPlay ТV
Ako si prijavljen kada tvoj tim igra, možeš gledati prenos uživo- Prenos uživo može početi u različito vrijeme u zavisnosti od zemlje iz koje je domaći tim i traje oko pola sata. Ako ne stigneš da odgledaš prenos uživo, možeš odgledati snimak.
Nacionalni kup
National Cup is played in a single match knock-out system. The match day is Friday. The maximum number of teams that can enter National Cup in one country (or on one continent) is 16,384. There is no home advantage in the National Cup and the profit from the ticket sales is split equally between both teams. The defeated semifinalists meet in the battle for third place.
Liga Kup
Liga Kup se igra na kraju sezone sa jednom utakmicom u nokaut sistemu. Svaka liga ima svoj Liga Kup gdje su kvalifikovani Top 16 timova u skladu sa konačnim plasmanom. Prvoplasirani tim igra sa najniže plasiranim timom, drugoplasirani igra sa timom iznad najniže plasiranog tima itd. Timovi sa boljom pozicijom na tabeli imaju prednost domaćeg terena. Zato što postoje i utakmice za plasman, svaki tim igra 4 utakmice. Ove utakmice se igraju 105, 107, 109 i 112 dana u sezoni. Šampion Liga Kupa kvalifikuje se za SuperLiga Kup. Prihod od prodaje karata za Liga Kup utakmicu podijeljen je između oba tima. There are no suspensions for cards in the League Cup.
Međunarodni kupovi
International cups is a common name for prestigious club competitions Champions' League, Cup Winners' Cup and SuperLeague Cup. Champions' League and Cup Winners' Cup are divided into 3 divisions - Europe, South America and the Rest of the World.
The European division has 96 participants. 32 teams qualify directly into the group stage and the other 64 play a two leg qualification round. The winners advance into the group stage which is played in 16 groups of 4 teams. The rest of the world division has 32 participants divided into 8 groups of 4 teams. The South American division has 32 participants divided into 8 groups of 4 teams.
The group stage is always played in a double round-robin format with home and away matches exactly as it is in the league. The home advantage applies to the group stage matches and the money from the ticket and souvenir sales goes to the home team. Every playoff match-up has two legs (home and away) and the team with the better aggregate score from both legs will move on. If the score is tied, the team with the higher number of away goals advances. If still tied, the second leg is followed by extra time and penalty kicks if needed. The final is a single match and the home advantage does not apply.
Broj timova koji se mogu kvalifikovati iz određenih zemalja određuje sa rangiranjem koje se računa na osnovu rezultata timova te zemlje u poslednje 3 sezone u Ligi Šampiona i Kupu Pobjednika Kupova. Najveća vrijednost se uvjek daje zadnjoj sezoni. Trenutni šampion u oba takmičenja se automatski kvalifikuje za sledeću sezone bez obzira na kvotu zemlje. Ako se pobjednik Kupa pobjednika Kupova kvalificira također i za Ligu Šampiona, njegovo mjesto u KPK biće dodijeljeno sljedećem timu koji je zauzeo mjesto ispod u Nacionalnom kupu zemlje.
Sezona | Poeni vrijednosti |
1 | 100% |
2 | 66% |
3 | 33% |
Najbolje rangirani timovi u najjačim ligama kvalificiraju se za Ligu Šampiona. Sa druge strane, najuspješniji klubovi u Nacionalnom kupu kvalificiraju se za Kup Pobjednika Kupova. Ako se isti tim kvalificira za oba natjecanja, Liga Prvaka ima veći prioritet. U tom slučaju, sljedeći tim se kvalificira za Kup Pobjednika Kupova. Ako odluka mora se donijeti za timove od 5. do 8. mjesta u Nacionalnom kupu, onaj tim koji je bolje plasiran kvalificirati.
The League Cup champions from all over the world and all league levels play together in the SuperLeague Cup. It is a single match knock-out competition where the home field advantage does not apply. It is played every Wednesday from the first week of the season until the winner is decided. There is also a match for third place. If a team qualifies for the SuperLeague Cup as well as for Champions' League or Cup Winners' Cup, it will forfeit its place in the SuperLeague Cup in favour of the next team in the ranking.
Turniri za kredite
Kreditini turniri su turniri sa mogućnošću da osvojite kredite. Svaki tim koji se priključi takvom turniru mora da plati naknadu. Naknadu određuje osnivač turnira. Rukovodilac igre obezbjeđuje kredite za nagradni fond turnira. Ukupan iznos kredita u nagradnom fondu je obično 90% od ukupnog broja kredita sakupljenog od naknada. Nagradni fond će biti podjeljen između naboljih timova na osnovu predodređenog sistema osnivača. Osim ovoga, osnivač može dobrovoljno da pokloni određen broj kredita koji će biti dodat nagradnom fondu.
The creation of a credit tournament costs 50 credits. The founder selects the distribution of prizes, helpers, entry fee, number of teams and groups, playing format, starting date, match days and he/she may even set the distribution of teams into groups or pots. The founder has the right to reject any team that signs up for the tournament. Osnivač takođe ima pravo da naknadu za organizaciju djelimično povrati (maksimum 40 kredita), ali samo ako turnir počne uspješno. Traženi iznos kredita će biti oduzet iz nagradnog fonda turnira
Osnivač turnira može odabrati do tri pomoćnika. Ovi pomoćnici imaju ista prava kao i osnivač. Oni mogu prihvatiti ili odbiju timove, raspoređuju ih po grupama i šeširima, postavljaju logo turnira, website turnira, teme i informacije.
In case a team violates the internal rules of a tournament, the founder and his/her helpers have the right to forfeit the matches of this team. Playoff matches cannot be forfeited due to technical reasons.
Ako osnivač turnira ili njegov/njen pomoćnik odbije tim, naknada za ulazak koju je taj korisnik platio u toku prijave će biti u potpunosti refundirana. Međutim, ako osnivač ili pomoćnik prihvati tim, ova odluka je konačna i tim ne može biti izbačen iz turnira. Ako turnir ne dosegne potreban broj timova, biće otkazan i naknada za organizaciju će biti izgubljena. Ako je osnivač donirao kredite za nagradni fond, to će biti refundirano.
Jedan tim ne može igrati u dva turnira sa istim datumima za igru. Ako se tim prijavi za ovakva dva turnira, igraće u onom u kojem se registracija prva prihvati.
If a team signs up for a tournament and already has friendly matches scheduled for the same dates, the friendly matches will be automatically cancelled as soon as the tournament schedule is set. If a team qualifies for the one of the international cups, its matches in the credit tournament will be forfeit by a 0:3 score. This only applies to tournaments which have conflicting match days with the international cups.
There is no home advantage in tournament matches and the money from the ticket and souvenir sales is divided equally between both teams.
The attendance, player fatigue, chemistry and experience growth in credit tournaments are the same as in regular friendly matches.
Ako su timovi izjednačeni po poenima koristi se procedura taj brejka po sljedećem redoslijedu: gol razlika, veći broj golova i ukupni timski rejting.
Rangiranje timova za plejof se određuje nakon preliminarne runde. Timovi koji su zauzeli prva mjesta u svojim skupinama biće izabrani na temelju broja osvojenih bodova, gol razlike, većeg broja postignutih golova i ukupnog timskog rejtinga kao konačnog pokazatelja. Timovi koji su rangirani na nižim pozicijama biće grupirani na identičan način. Tada će se parovi doigravanja odrediti na temelju ovih pokazatelja. Najbolje plasirani tim igraće protiv posljednjeplasiranog, drugoplasirani tim će se boriti protiv pretposljednjeg itd.. Ista procedura se poslije koristi i za ostale runde doigravanja.
If the playoff is played on 2 matches, the team with the better aggregate score from both legs will move on. If the score is tied, the team with the higher number of away goals advances. If still tied, the second leg is followed by extra time and penalty kicks if needed.
Svaka zemlja sa svojom sopstvenom ligom takođe pośeduje i nacionalni timove. Svaka od tih zemalja ima ispod 20 i ispod 17 tim uz svoj seniorski tim. Timovi su vođeni od strane izabranog selektora koji se bira od strane ostalih menadžera. Glavni selektori imaju pomoć u vidu svojih asistenata koji oni sami odaberu. Glavni selektro može da mijenja asistenta bez ikakvih zabrana, ali mogu u isto vrijeme imati samo jednog asistenta.
Postoje dva kruga glasanja. Tokom prvog kruga menadžeri mogu dati svoju podršku nekom od kandidata u bilo kom trenutku sezone. Ovaj glas može biti otkažan ili dat nekom drugom kandidatu prije kraja sezone. Menadžeri mogu glasati samo za svoj nacijonalni tim i samo ako ispunjavaju za to uslove. Postoji različito za svaku uzrasnu kategoriju.
Drugi krug izbora uvjek traje tokom prve neđelje sezone. Rezultati druge runde se objavljuju ubrzo nakon zatvaranja glasanja. The tenure of the national team general manager is two seasons. However, the local community have the option to vote whether they want to have new elections after the first season. This voting always takes place during the penultimate week of the season.
Menadžeri koji su ispunili zadani uvjet mogu podnijeti kandidaturu maksimalno za jednu reprezentaciju. Moguće je da se kandidujete za selektora strane reprezentacije.
In the even seasons it is possible to sign up for candidacy for senior national team manager at any time of the season. As soon as the manager is listed as a candidate, managers from that country can send him/her preferential votes. 10 managers with the highest number of preferential votes advance into the second round.
In the odd seasons it is only possible to sign up as a candidate for a senior national team during the last week of the season and only if the community has dismissed the current national team manager or if the manager has resigned from the position.
The under 20 and under 17 national team manager elections work the same way, but their cycle begins in the odd seasons.
National team general manager can select up to 35 players for the national team during one season. Players selected for the team after the first week of the season, cannot be dismissed during that season. Players selected in the previous seasons or by a previous manager can be dismissed until the 14th day of the season. Hemija otpuštenih igrača iz reprezentacije se smanjuje na 20% njihove kemije od trenutka njihovog otpuštanja.
Before every friendly or qualifying match, the national team general manager can call up a maximum of 22 players who will be available on the match day. This roster must be selected at least one day before the match.
General manager can use a maximum of 22 players during the World Championship or other tournament. Players may be added to the roster during the tournament until all the 22 places are filled. There is no need to call up players one day in advance during the tournaments.
The national team general manager must set the lineup and tactics before the start of the match calculation. The times of match calculation according to age category are listed in the table below in Central European Time (CET).
Država | Seniori | Do 20 | Do 17 |
Alžir | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Argentina | 22:35 | 21:05 | 19:30 |
Australija | 12:30 | 11:05 | 10:05 |
Austrija | 19:35 | 17:30 | 16:30 |
Azerbejdžan | 12:30 | 11:05 | 10:05 |
Bjelorusija | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Belgija | 19:35 | 17:30 | 16:30 |
Bosna i Hercegovina | 18:35 | 16:30 | 16:05 |
Brazil | 22:35 | 21:05 | 19:30 |
Bugarska | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Kanada | 22:35 | 21:05 | 19:30 |
Čile | 22:35 | 21:05 | 19:30 |
Kina | 12:30 | 11:05 | 10:05 |
Kineski Tajpeh | 12:30 | 11:05 | 10:05 |
Kolumbija | 22:35 | 21:05 | 19:30 |
Hrvatska | 18:35 | 16:30 | 16:05 |
Češka Republika | 19:35 | 17:30 | 16:30 |
Danska | 19:35 | 17:30 | 16:30 |
Egipat | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Engleska | 20:35 | 18:30 | 17:30 |
Estonija | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Finska | 18:35 | 16:30 | 16:05 |
Francuska | 19:35 | 17:30 | 16:30 |
Njemačka | 19:35 | 17:30 | 16:30 |
Grčka | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Mađarska | 18:35 | 16:30 | 16:05 |
Indija | 12:30 | 11:05 | 10:05 |
Indonezija | 12:30 | 11:05 | 10:05 |
Iran | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Irska | 20:35 | 18:30 | 17:30 |
Izrael | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Italija | 18:35 | 16:30 | 16:05 |
Kazahstan | 12:30 | 11:05 | 10:05 |
Japan | 12:30 | 11:05 | 10:05 |
Letonija | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Litvanija | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Śeverna Makedonija | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Malezija | 12:30 | 11:05 | 10:05 |
Meksiko | 22:35 | 21:05 | 19:30 |
Moldavija | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Crna Gora | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Maroko | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Holandija | 19:35 | 17:30 | 16:30 |
Norveška | 19:35 | 17:30 | 16:30 |
Paragvaj | 22:35 | 21:05 | 19:30 |
Peru | 22:35 | 21:05 | 19:30 |
Poljska | 18:35 | 16:30 | 16:05 |
Portugal | 20:35 | 18:30 | 17:30 |
Rumunija | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Rusija | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Saudijska Arabija | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Škotska | 20:35 | 18:30 | 17:30 |
Srbija | 18:35 | 16:30 | 16:05 |
Slovačka | 18:35 | 16:30 | 16:05 |
Slovenija | 18:35 | 16:30 | 16:05 |
Španija | 20:35 | 18:30 | 17:30 |
Švedska | 19:35 | 17:30 | 16:30 |
Švajcarska | 19:35 | 17:30 | 16:30 |
Turska | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Ukrajina | 17:35 | 16:05 | 15:05 |
Sjedinjene Američke Države | 22:35 | 21:05 | 19:30 |
Urugvaj | 22:35 | 21:05 | 19:30 |
Venecuela | 22:35 | 21:05 | 19:30 |
Players in the national team have a training bonus, gain more experience, their popularity grows faster and they bring a share from the revenue to their club for every match they play.
Players aged 17 or less can only play in the under 17 national team. Likewise players aged 18 to 20 can only play in the under 20 national team. At the beginning of each season all players exceeding the age limit are automatically dismissed from the team. The chemistry of such players is reduced to 20% of their chemistry from the time of their dismissal and they can carry it over to the next age category.
National teams from various age categories can play friendly matches against each other.
The seasonal energy of players in the national team is independent from the seasonal energy in their club and it decreases according to the following table (based on 90 minutes played):
Vrsta utakmice | Veoma nizak | Niska | Normalno | Visoka | Veoma visok |
Prijateljski mečevi | 0.04 | 0.10 | 0.20 | 0.40 | 0.60 |
Competitive matches | 0.20 | 0.50 | 1.00 | 2.00 | 3.00 |
Ako je igrač pozvan za utakmicu reprezentacije i njegov tim igra prijateljsku utakmicu istog dana, igrač će igrati za reprezentaciju i propustice utakmicu svog kluba. Ako je u trening kampuon će igrati za reprezentaciju, ali on će dobiti trening bonus za obuku u trening kampu. If a player has a League Cup match and national team match on the same day, he may appear in both.
Instant izazovi
Instant challenges enable you to play immediately without waiting against any team. The only exception is that you can't challenge a team with which you have a match scheduled for the same day. You can challenge every team only once on the same day. Možeš iazzvati protivnika putem timskog profila, na stranici preporučenih protivnika ili sa dnevne tabele. Možeš dnevno odigrati do 5 besplatnih izazova.
Instant challenges have no influence on energy, chemistry, experience of popularity of players. Also the team doesn't get any overall team rating points or money for these matches.
Prije bilo kojega izazova možeš izabrati jednu od postava ili taktika. Protivnik će koristiti njihove unaprijed postavljene postave naisumično izabrane taktike. Podešavanje važnosti će biti neutralno za oba tima. Nema prednosti domaćeg terena u instant izazovima.
You earn points for the daily leaderboard for every win. The stronger the opponent you beat, the more points you earn. The points are calculated as the ratio of opponent's strength versus your team's strength in the given match. Team strength in this match may be different from team strength displayed in the team profile.
Grupe za dnevne tabele se izvlače svakoga dana. Maksimalni broj timova u jednoj grupi je 100. Ukoliko se plasiraš među tri najbolja u svojoj grupi, dobićeš poene za neđeljnu tabelu kao i nagradu. Dnevna tabela se zaključuje svakog dana u 8.00 CET.
Dnevna tabela rangiranja | Poeni za neđeljnu tabelu |
1 | 3000 + poeni zarađeni toga dana |
2 | 2000 + poeni zarađeni toga dana |
3 | 1000 + poeni zarađeni toga dana |
Svi menadžeri koji su završili u top 3 u svojim grupama na dnevnoj tabeli biće rangirani i u neđeljnoj tabeli. Najuspješniji menadžeri na kraju neđelje će biti nagrađeni u kreditima i specijalnim nagradama. Neđeljna tabela se zaključuje svakog poneđeljka u 8.00 CET.