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  Nordic Trophy XI

16 Teams
234 credits
2 735 115 347
Logo turnira
Logo turnira
Nordic Trophy XI
ID 1484
Organized by Kapiten Nacionalnog tima Švedska Niklazzon
Početak turnira 2016-05-04
End of preliminary round 2016-06-18
Kraj turnira 2016-07-09
Broj timova 16
Broj timova u grupi 8
Broj grupa 2
Broj timova koji napreduju iz svake grupe 4
Total match days (including playoffs) 20
Number of matches per playoff series 2
Number of legs in group stage 2
Dan za utakmice Srijeda Subota
Contribution to the prize pool from the founder 90
Učešće u kreditima 10
Nagradni fond 234
Prosjek ukupnog timskog rejtinga 113.38
Info Welcome all Teams from around the world! You will play against teams from other countries in the group phase!
Forum Tema o turnirima

Distribution of prizes
Rang Prize share Prizes in credits
1 24% 58
2 16% 37
3 12% 28
4 8% 19
5-8 4% 9
9-16 3% 7

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