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這篇新聞稿是對球隊 伊朗 Team noname 43600 的新聞稿的回應。: Mr. Dimaz signed a contract for Batavia 1945

科威特 GUNMO CF† - dimaz and batavia 1945

"he looks so excited" said the manager ayman about dimaz

"i like his excitement eventhough i know he wont go long because my team will be the best and not his, and his excitement leads him to no were he must be serious and realistic, i have several targets and the first one will be accomplished next week, dnt get surprised when u see FC GALAXY on the top of the league table"
said ayman

"Dimaz welcome to the league , and good luck" said ayman to Batavia 1945's manager

閱讀人數: 5
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