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  Nota de Imprensa: III.10 (Estados Unidos)

2 685 168 276
País: Liga:

Estados Unidos Tampa Bay Thunder† - Fayden hires new manager, amidst hot start
FAYDEN, VALNARA : "I would like to start off this speech by saying how proud I am for being able to manage this team to it's fullest potential. When I was younger, I never imagined managing anything so this is definitely a huge accomplishment. I can't wait to get started!" These were words spoken earlier today by Tyler Akteruzzaman, the newest manager of the club Fayden...

Estados Unidos The Beasts† - termanaye
I will make room for new people

Estados Unidos Chicago 66ers† - Will be selling players
Am trying to make room for better players so i will be selling many players

Estados Unidos Total Emerson SC† - more seats
milford bommers are bilding more seats at the stadium so please come and se the matches the team

Estados Unidos ZEMLJORADNIK†
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