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  Nota de Imprensa

2 690 665 986
País: Liga:

Inglaterra AFC Beddington Park† - Beddington Latest Amendment.

Reading through our last statement something didn't sit quite right with us.

We actually came under fire from only one manager. We have had *lots* of support here and made many great friends within the PPG world.

The one criticism we received we felt was extremely harsh and disrespectful. We feel that we did what any new team to PPG would have done after starting so late in the season. We didn't want to lose every week and just watch the builders build. We decided to give it our best shot and bolster the squad as much as we could within reason and make a fight of it and see where we came.

We achieved our aims and we can hold our heads high. The manager in question we will not name. But when you do read this, know that you were wrong. And we will not take this any further than we have to.

On a lighter note, we wish all our fellow (III.5'rs) and our dear friends within the game a very happy Christmas and wish you all the very best of luck for next season.

Nige 'Bigfoot' Ward
Manager, AFC Beddington Park

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