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  Nota de Imprensa

1 168 206 736
País: Liga:

Esta nota de imprensa é uma resposta à nota de imprensa da equipa Inglaterra Gunners f.c: Title within touching distance

Inglaterra Gunners f.c - Good luck to the Angels, Mayfair and Barcelona

So they were some very strong words from the Angels FC manager and From everyone at Gunners FC we would just like to wish our fellow managers from Angels and Mayfair and Barcelona of course, the best of luck on the race for the title, it has been one hell off a season, and it would be nice to see a new winner of the league, May the best team win, and after a small rebuilding process, we hope to be joining the big boys next season and hopefully fighting for the title ourselves. Good luck to all, the crate of wine is waiting for the winner.

Vistas únicas: 13
Avaliação da nota de imprensa: Fraco - Normal - Excelente

LOG: soccer_calendar