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  Nota de Imprensa

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Canadá Dunnville Grind - Kicking and Screaming

(AP) Paul Roedb made an unceremonious return to II.2 football today, throwing a ceramic cup at a CBC reporter who asked him how he felt to return to the bottom flight of Canadian football. Seen today on a social media video clip, an irate Roedb can be seen leaving a meeting room with Dunnville Legal Rep Ed Valentine, shortly after a brief meeting with PPM officials where Roedb had unsuccessfully lobbied for a new Division I.2, meaning the Grind would play in the top flight again next season, albeit in a slightly lesser grouping. Marcie Abrams, a veteran CBC sports correspondent, can be seen directing a question to the Dunnville GM, only to be told directly to "F___ off!", and then ducking to avoid a ceramic coffee cup which then shattered on the wall behind her. Valentine can then be seen quickly ushering Roedb into a waiting vehicle, mumbling something about, "...pursuing other avenues." Roedb has been ridiculed in Canadian sports circles for his bold prediction of a Top 5 finish in the recently completed Season 26 of Division I.1, only to finish with 3 wins against 33 losses.

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