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  Nota de Imprensa

2 703 337 716
País: Liga:

Canadá Nagoya† - Northern Nightmare Vs Mobus FC

Tonight when Nagoya Fighting Tigers players head off to bed the will be saying a small little pray for Mobus FC as they get ready to play Northern Nightmare tomorrow.

The game is one of the last important matches remaining in the league schedule as Mobus Fc and Nagoya try to close the gap on Northern Nightmare.

Please Read last press release for all the details....

"We will be watching closely to the score board as we are playing a game that we should win easily tomorrow." commented Team manager Bouchard. "The Coaches are going to have their hands full trying to keep the attention of the players on our game and not the score of the other game." Added Bouchard.

"Any Player not performing as normal tomorrow will be suspended by the team if they are though to be score board watching instead of staying focused on our teams results." completed Bouchard.

Vistas únicas: 4
Avaliação da nota de imprensa: Fraco - Normal - Excelente