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  Zona PRO
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  Notas de imprensa: III.6 (África)

2 685 404 515
País: Liga:

Madagascar christioano† - unstoppable
we are going to be unstoppable we are ready to work and take the league for ours no matter who comes our way we are now determine

Nigéria morning star† - wow
for the fact that i came into this game with a bad teamnow see they are spectacular from zero to hero

Egito Al Ahli of Egypt Sports† - اجمد واحد
انا اجمد واحد (و احب اهدي الفوز ده لابويا و اومي

Ruanda Rayon Sport FC† - New Dawn
As I have taken charge of the Glamor Boys I promise no more than ensuring that the team delivers to its full potential and that develops a well balanced mechanism to achieve its set targets. Once again I thank The Owners and the board for making a decision of hiring me,thank you.