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Valsts: Līga:

Austrālija Trueblue United† - United Ink Saudi International

Mido El-Jurowani may not be a name many are aware of. The 20 year old Saudi International signed a deal to join the United squad today, adding depth to one of the leagues already strongest midfield lineups.

The $60Mil transfer fee has been argued as being "too steep" by many, but the United manager is confident the signing will be a good move long term.

"We see Mido as a core player for many seasons. His previous team wasted him a little so we'll look to bolster his experience ASAP, but he's the kind of player that will be a regular for many seasons to come".

Mido joins the Australian International Eric Burke and the Swiss born Patrick Stemman in the central midfield. The latter becomes a free agent this season.

Lasījumu skaits: 8
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski