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Šalis: Lyga:

Šis pranešimas spaudai yra atsakas į komandos Anglija FC SHAMMICKITE UNITED pranešimą spaudai: Well done Gunners

Anglija Gunners f.c† - Thank you.

Great season from my boys, thank you to to all the great teams and managers who made us work hard for the title, it was a shame to see us loose Mayfair after so many years, hopefully everyone will carry on next season and I hope it will be another great season, thanks again guys.

Peržiūrėta: 6
Pranešimo spaudai reitingas: Vargšas - Normalus - Puiku
Komanda Anglija FC SHAMMICKITE UNITED atsiliepusi į šį spaudos pranešimą: The sweetest yet