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This press release is a response to the press release of team Liban Storm_Fc†: J.SAIID : Krussland is a great example for my team

Liban Krussland† - Hayek on Lebanese Teams: some of them can destroy us !

As we all know Krussland is the oldest Lebanese team in PPM, but there's already Lebanese teams which can take 3 points from us.

I've been watching how the Lebanese teams has been doing since the beginning and I honestly say that some of them are doing better than us.

I am flattered what J. Saiid said about Krussland, I myself take some European teams as role models and trying to achieve half of what they've done.

Krussland spent lots of money on facilities and transfers but of course there must be more studies and financial researches on how exactly a club should spend and managing his financial balance and budget.

Storm_FC will be one of the best teams in Asia along with other 7 teams here in Div. I.1

Jedinstveni pogledi: 11
Press release rating: Slabo - Normalan - Odlično
Team Kuvajt GUNMO CF† responded to this press release: Krussland the next big thing?