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Ontario Alpha Particles:
Nuclei News: Season 3, Edition 7.5: OAP Draw Alberta Pirates Prior to Beau Ferrel Stealing the Show in a 4-0 Win

Wallaceburg Walking Dead† - Shake Down.

All Aowyr's boys had to do was win this one game to guarantee themselves a birth in the CWC. "It's what I wanted to do for the fans, the sponsors and most importantly my boys. The season was a throw away. Our placement sucks. We didn't working on updating our facilities. We only updated the stadium. We pissed away our chances of really running with the tops dogs by falling a season behind. Just like my hockey team, always an underdog and too far down to catch up it seems."
Aowyr then excused himself as he had to go to a meeting to explain himself and his most recent rash decision. To send all his best players to camp and to play a pack of imported guys he drafted for next to nothing. Fully expecting to lose every game from now on until the new season as the boys will finish with their first camp then start on their second. It's a sad set of affairs here in Resurrectionist Acres. At least this season seems to be running smooth so far for The Moderatly Neato.
And Aowyr did tip us off that after some exchanges of emails with fellow gm Canucks357 that he thinks he is a nice guy doing a bang up job up there in Guelph. Wrangling those players and their massive egos is a talent you can't learn, you have to be born with it.
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