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  Izbori - Kolumbija

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Sljedeća utakmica
FC Slavan Bratislava
Šesnaestina finala Liga Kupa
16.02.2025 18:30:00


Sezona: - Država: - Serija:

Ovdje možete prijaviti vašu kandidaturu za mjesto selektora bilo koje reprezentacije. Takođe, ovdje možete glasati za selektora reprezentacije u vašoj državi. Da bi se mogli kandidovati morate imati najmanje 51 iskustva. Postoje dva kruga izbora. 10 menažera sa najviše osvojenih preferencijalnih glasova idu u drugi krug izbora.

Kandidati za poziciju generalnog menadžera seniorskog nacionalnog tima

CroKing - - no team - - -
Glasovi podrške: 0
Hi Colombian community! I am CroKing, manager from Bosnia and Herzegowina. I know that I am stranger in your country but I have big plans to do with your national team. This is my second PPM account. With my 1st account I made a lot of great results and in very short time I was promoted to higher league level in football. Also, now, with this account I am doing great job too. First two teams in my league have older and better teams then mine, so it is hard to catch them in this season. I am creating team for future and next season I am going to promote. Now, about my plans with Colombian national team if you choose me to be headcoach. First what I will do will be to find good and experienced assistant, then I will talk with him and we will together make strongest Colombian squad. For sure, Colombian community will not be disappointed with my managing. If you have more questions, just send me private message. I will answer in shortest period.
Good luck to all candidates.

Glasovi: 0