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  Preses relīzes: II.4 (Kanāda)

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Valsts: Līga:

Kanāda Ontario Alpha Particles - Nuclei News: Season 8, Edition 2: OAP Claim II.4 Crown [PHOTO]
The Ontario Alpha Particles have claimed the Canada II.4 crown with four games to go. The Alphas through 38 games are 37-1-0 (W-D-L) and have a favourable schedule in the remaining four games with a serious chance of ending the season undefeated. After the game, the players were caught celebrating captured in this photo: What is truly remarkable about this photo is...

Kanāda Ontario Alpha Particles - Nuclei News: Season 8, Edition 1
In a mandate made my owner and CEO canucks357, his hockey and soccer teams will both be adopting a green travel strategy where they will restrict the amount of travel each team does for friendly matchups. “It works on all levels, it’s really a three-pronged win for everyone” said canucks357. The plan is that the team will mostly travel to domestic (North American) clubs and will generally accept ...

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