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  Саопштења за јавност: II.3 (Канада)

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Канада STLMT† - F.B.E
BONJOUR MOI JE M'APPELLLE BIKORIMANA INNOCENT JE ME ré que jeux avec vous avec mon équipe s'appelle F.B.E groupe canada merci

Канада Bow Valley AFC† - Bow Valley Times: Season Opener Ends in Success
Season 5 of PPM soccer began today with a home match against the 2nd year club out of Quebec, NBC Champstars. Under the serene backdrop of the Rocky Mountains Bow Valley AFC managed an easy 1-0 victory in their first game since season 1 in the second tier of Canadian soccer. 15,078 fans showed up to cheer on their team, and it seems like the bitterness that surrounded the team at the end of la...

Канада Kenora Stingers† - Football Fanatics - Year End Edition Season 2
Well soccer fans another season has come to an end and Stinger mania has fully erupted.... Here's Trisha Yakanawa with a full report. "We are live here reporting from the Stinger's training facility in Sunset Country, there are fans everywhere cheering on the home town squads barage of players as they make their way into the arena for the season ending awards banquet." "And here comes the team, ...

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