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САД Ecntia Athletic FC† - New Manager! New Team! New Win!

Scorks FC ranked 19 in the league just hired new manager Batkid96 to get them out of this current funk that they're in and to put them on the top of the table, an what a decision that was!!!! Batkid96 first game was at home in the Estadio de Scorks against Notti FC with 400 fans in attendance. Scorks FC got off to a 2-0 in the 12th and 17th minute. Notti FC scored in stoppage time of the first half. In the Second Half Scorks FC scored 1 more goal to put the game to bed. The game ended 3-1 in favor of the Scorks. Batkid96 said this after the match "great game by the boys, really great. We came out and showed that it's the Scorks time to shine". And when asked about his future plans Batkids 96 said "Hey we'll just take it one game at a time, I can't predict the future but I do hope I can bring the Scorks community hope and hopefully a championship". Batkid96 gave Scorks fans something to smile about and something to hope for as they win their first game in a while.

Појединачни прегледи: 4
Саопштење за јавност рејтинг: Лош - Нормалан - Одличан

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