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САД Atlanta Guardians FC† - New Team and GM

A new team was invited to Division III League 1 today. The league welcomes the Atlanta Guardian FC to the league. With a new GM it will be interesting to see how this organization will fare in its first season with about half of the season already over.

"We are happy to be in this league, it looks very competitive and we look forward to the challenge." GM Jordan Holthus said in the team's first press conference today. "We hope that we can get some players and staff in here to build on what we already have in place and start making a push toward the end of the season and be a competitive team."

The Atlanta Guardians FC have their first league match tomorrow against the #3 Zucciny Warriors.

Појединачни прегледи: 16
Саопштење за јавност рејтинг: Лош - Нормалан - Одличан

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