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  Notas de imprensa

2 682 373 427
País: Liga:

Líbano [Bavaria]† - Bavaria will always be the Difficult Opponent any team may face

We've had a bad start and lost two games vs belles feuilles and longoborda besabab , because of the lack of chemistry between the players , after that a huge improvement occured and that was obvious when i faced Bohol , Krussland and Georgians that are much better teams than mine with more experience and have been playing this game for a long time..

Bavaria proved to be the best Lebanese Team and the best among all teams regarding the Tactics and Planning , and will always be the difficult opponent to face, my aim is to be in the top 4 this season , and i will do my best to win the national cup
best regards and happy new year

Visitantes: 16
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