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  Notas de imprensa

2 724 473 537
País: Liga:

EUA Bulls4ever FC† - Season plan announcement

Losing promotion match annoyed many of the Bulls4ever plans. Bulls4ever manager and fan leader Joseph Beehive had long talk before the season started where they discussed plans for the season.

Bulls4ever manager assures the team will promote to 2nd division this season and will do everything to make that happen.

Asides from devastating end season loss, the fans still show great support. Many fans are unable to show up to the games due to lack of sits. They often hike the wall and trees trying to watch the game. Tickets are being sold in the black market and nobody is happy with that.

To solve the problem and improve stadium, Bulls4ever started building Triple-Floor sections. Two sections will be finished this season. Two more the following season and in three seasons stadium will be fully in triple floor.

This plan will provide better quality seats to the fans and VIP lounge. Press will also have their space. This will give the team more exposure and more live TV games.

Training facility will also be upgraded one level per season.

Bulls4ever will limit the number of international players and work to train and improve american players. There are no plans to upgrade players.

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