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  Notas de imprensa

2 682 373 427
País: Liga:

Líbano Internazionale Milan† - Amazing Game to Play "PPM"

It was just a coincidence that someone on Facebook just posted about this game on my page there, so I had to see it, it was about Power-play Manager. I was surprised about such game, my friend told me it was really good game so I had to take a look, then it was more than a look, I had to try it, then I had an account. Thanks to my friend, now I'm a good team in PPM thanks to his wide knowledge in this game I'm doing very well in this game. Now I'm #1 in my division hoping I could win the league :)

Visitantes: 7
Avaliação da nota de imprensa: Ruim - Normal - Excelente

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