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  Notas de imprensa

1 162 693 053
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Esta nota de imprensa é uma resposta a nota de imprensa do time Inglaterra Obstinate Orcas†: Obstinate Orcas boss Brylarke says his side will hold their nerve

Inglaterra Eboracum United† - tensor 'Would Love It If We Beat Them'

PPM news tonight asked Ebor manager tensor for his feelings on the title race. 'I would love it if we beat Orcas to the title. Love It,' he ranted, as spittle dribbled down his chin. He then ran one hand through his greying hair and stared into the distance, with a slightly desperate glint in his eye.

Ebor now need Orcas to slip up if they are to retain the title.

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Avaliação da nota de imprensa: Ruim - Normal - Excelente

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