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  Pressiteated: II.3 (Aafrika)

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Riik: Liiga:

Egiptus egypt 25 janayer† - مبروك
مبروك البيان المركز الاول ولكن قريبا سوف يكون لى

Senegal Ngb FC† - NBG le leader
Enfin notre heure pour la montée est arrivée

Ghana True Blues FC† - We Lost............
AM very angry with the way we lost our friendly match today........ It was a bloody and uncalled challenge that our defender made. We should had held on for just a few seconds. But we didn't and i think we have learnt our lessons............ We are improving match by match and you will see a whole new side in the next game. Thanxs

Ghana True Blues FC† - Yeah we got a very good result..............
Yeah we played we aganist our opponent thou we fail to convert our chances but we came witha draw............. There is much room for improvement

Ghana True Blues FC† - We are going to Improve
We played a very difficult match but we tried our best and we got what we think was best for us. IN our next match we are going to improve there is room for improvement and as the season progress we are going to the top.