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Riik: Liiga:

See pressiteade on vastuseks meeskonna Inglismaa FC SHAMMICKITE UNITED pressiteatele: Ha

Inglismaa RoyaL HunterS FC-1971 - Ha, ha

The truth is painful!!!!
Your unfair attitude is really bad and another problem is that
You do not understand what I wrote to you!!!
It's the shame on you!!!!
You cannot train well your players and that's why you want to steal another manager's players!!!
You know I believe in faith and karma and how you treat people badly
you will get back that multiply!!!!
I am done with you, unfair manager!!!!

Unikaalne vaade: 9
Pressiteate reiting: Vaene - Tavaline - Suurepärane
Meeskond Inglismaa FC SHAMMICKITE UNITED vastas sellele pressiteatele: Oh well

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