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  Δελτία τύπου: III.7 (Ασία)

2 731 873 809
Χώρα: Πρωτάθλημα:

Φιλιππίνες FC Pilipinas† - League CUP
Before the end of the Season FC Pilipinas will battle it out with its League Rival FC GEOCROSS. The whole Philippines will watch this momentus Event. Good Luck to both teams.

Φιλιππίνες FC Pilipinas† - League Promotion
I think it is safe to say that I won League III.7. From a 3rd finish last season my team improves a lot, especially the young ones. Chemistry of the team makes it possible to win the league and have no lost. The players still has a long way to go to be the best but I am proud of my players. See you all in the upper league.

Φιλιππίνες FC Pilipinas† - GEO
This indeed is a very interesting League. I've been waiting for our 2nd match. I Will be waiting for you in the upper league. Good Luck to both of us. I know you can win the playoffs for the promotion.

Γεωργία F.C GEOCROSS† - dear pilipinas
match with no goal, no emotions,no interesting match as for me but for you this draw was very needful. you will place first on liga i can say that you won the liga... you have more experience than me but this is not a reson you proved you are strongest on this liga after this liga i hope we will meet again my friend... :) :) :)

Φιλιππίνες FC Pilipinas† - Derby Match
Tough game yesterday against FC Geocross..

Κουβέιτ GUNMO CF† - dimaz and batavia 1945
"he looks so excited" said the manager ayman about dimaz "i like his excitement eventhough i know he wont go long because my team will be the best and not his, and his excitement leads him to no were he must be serious and realistic, i have several targets and the first one will be accomplished next week, dnt get surprised when u see FC GALAXY on the top of the league table"...

Κουβέιτ GUNMO CF† - Krussland the next big thing?
currently i think they are the best among lebanese teams in my opinion krussland has some tough opponents nowadays, but due to their good manager they can overcome these problems, but from krussland to the rest of the lebanese teams its just a matter of time and FC Galaxy will take the "Best Lebanese Club" title am not dreaming and am not arrogant i just seek for the best good ...

Λίβανος Inter Milan† - Am glade to be here
I'am happy with you here , and i will do my best to make this team perform better and better :)

Ιράν Team noname 43600 - Mr. Dimaz signed a contract for Batavia 1945
This week, Batavia 1945, a professional club in Indonesia signed a contract with Dimaz for their new manager. Although he is a bit too young for a manager position, he has shown promise over his last job as an assistant manager in Jakarta Jets. This new career of his is probably what he always dreamt of. Dimaz as their new manager hurriedly put all the team member under his observation. In his ...

Ιράν Team noname 43595 - Ugurlu bir yolumuz da qelebelere dogru
Yene qelebe qazandiq 2:0.cox gozel oyun oynadiq.her shey istediyim kimi gedir.gozel oyun gosterdikleri ucun oyuncularima oz teshekkurlerimi bildirirem. Qardash olke olan Tukiye kulubu ile ilk dosluq macina cixacayiq.b oyunda qelebe ucun cixmayacayiq genc oyunculari yoxlamaq ucun cixacayib bizim ucun netice onemli deyil esas odur ki dosluq qazansin ve gozel baximli oyun olsun.regibime de ugurlar a...

Ιράν Team noname 43595 - Qarabaghalar ilk 10luga girecek.
Iki oyun oynadiq iki oyunun neticesine gore 1 qelebe 1hec-hece qazandiq.Cox gozel bashladiq umid edrem ki meglubiyyet uzu gormerik.Butun oycularima oz teshekkurumu bildirirem gozel oyun gosterdikleri ucun.

Ιράν Team noname 43595 - Hello
I'm new here.To the best effort of this team nominate.I wish success to my team.Wait for an opponent, I'm coming!