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  Comunicados de prensa: III.11 (Estados Unidos)

2 731 913 954
País: Liga:

Estados Unidos Cold Mountain Thunder† - Cold Mtn Thunder
Trying to climb out of the basement... Can we do it???? Time will tell.

Estados Unidos Top Bins FC† - hotshots
ready to take over

Estados Unidos Tripwire11 63243 † - good legue to start
this looks like a good legue everyone here seems new in III 11

Estados Unidos Firepower† - This League
It already been decide who will win.

Estados Unidos The H killers† - u suck

Estados Unidos Samba Boys† - I failed
I have fail to bring relic down but i have brought down his winning streak

Estados Unidos Samba Boys† - Relic is going to lose their winning streak
I will be the one to bring relic down

Estados Unidos The H killers† - take care
Slowly climbing to the top and taking out name

Estados Unidos Samba Boys† - Slowly
Slowly climbing to the top

Estados Unidos Samba Boys† - Here I come
9 behind no big deal, I will win this league. Even the former 3rd place team just lost their position because of me. Everyone else will follow.

Estados Unidos The H killers† - new start
ok we are a new team but we are coming to show this league a hit

Estados Unidos Firepower† - Relic will not lose anymore
This league will be ours soon