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Країна: Ліга:

Цей прес-реліз є відповіддю на прес-реліз команди Ліван Krussland†: Hayek on Lebanese Teams: some of them can destroy us !

Кувейт GUNMO CF† - Krussland the next big thing?

currently i think they are the best among lebanese teams

in my opinion krussland has some tough opponents nowadays, but due to their good manager they can overcome these problems, but from krussland to the rest of the lebanese teams its just a matter of time and FC Galaxy will take the "Best Lebanese Club" title

am not dreaming and am not arrogant i just seek for the best

good luck krussland

Унікальних переглядів: 8
Рейтинг прес-релізів: Не дуже - Нормальний - Відмінно