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Шведска Kristianborgs FC† - Gabriel Stefan har skrivit på!

Kl. 12.34 stod det klart att Gabriel Stefan lämnar Ungern och går till svenska Kristianborgs FC. Kroatiska super tränaren som har tagit världen med storm lämnar sitt uppdrag i Ungern och försvinner till Sverige.

- I hope it will be a prolonged period of time in Sweden. It is a very nice country and not so much stressful. They have bought a luxury villa to me that I and my family will enjoy living in! They have bought some sharp new acquisitions now and we are hoping for a strong season. We have more players on their way into the squad. The slopes must be improved and we have very good defenders on his way into the squad. Sorry will not Elias Uhlin able to be with because of a lengthy injury. Säger han.


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