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  Выборы - Алжир

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FC Slavan Bratislava
1/8 Кубка Лиги
16.02.2025 18:30:00


Сезон: - Страна: - Тур:

Здесь вы можете выставить свою кандидатуру на пост главного тренера любой сборной. Также здесь вы можете проголосовать за тренера сборной своей страны. Для того, чтобы выставить свою кандидатуру ваш опыт менеджера должен быть не менее 51. Выборы проходят в два тура. 10 менеджеров с наибольшим числом набранных голосов проходят во второй тур выборов.

Кандидаты на должность генерального менеджера национальной сборной

Владелец PRO пакета Чехия charwy45 - Чехия FC Charwy - Чехия IV.8
Предварительные голоса: 0
Dear Algerian PowerPlayManager community,

I am an experienced manager who has returned to the game after several years, and over the past year, my passion for the game has grown stronger than ever. Seeing Algeria struggle at the very bottom of the national rankings has motivated me to step up and bring new energy to the team.

My vision is simple: to try something new and innovative. I want to give more players a chance, especially in friendly matches, which will benefit the entire Algerian community. More players will rotate in and out of the national team, giving managers across Algeria the opportunity to have their players earn national team status—making them more valuable on the market.

While there is still a significant gap in strength compared to other nations, I believe we can change the way Algeria plays—both tactically and strategically. My goal is not just to participate but to make every match different, more competitive, and more exciting.

Let's rebuild the Algerian national team together and prove that we can rise above expectations!

Thank you for your support!