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Canada Ontario Alpha Particles - Nuclei News: Season 3, Edition 2: OAP Management Busy in Transfer Market

Season 3 has been yet another exciting compilation of soccer matches and the fans appreciate it. OAP management have made strides to ensure such exciting soccer for many seasons to come, making many splashes lately in the transfer market. In just under half a season, OAP has obtained the rights to 13 players and 10 staff totaling, what one source claims to be, over $20 million.

"We won't confirm or deny the price tag on these transactions. However we will comment on them" said manager Ryszard Brzeziński. "Soccer is a game where 11 players participate. It is a game where a roster of 20 will carry you through an entire season. I know our sister hockey team alone needs over 20 players to dress in one game. What I'm saying, is it's a different strategy. To get a full club through the academy would be nice, but is not ideal. Here at OAP we have stepped up and purchased some players and staff. None of these acquisitions will participate in the regular lineup this season, and many not for a few seasons to come. But each prospect shows great promise and is young. We have strong facilities to develop these youngsters and it is our hope that in 2-4 seasons they will all be ready to compete on the big stage."

Those familiar with Guelph sports will remember Gryphon management making similar purchases 3 seasons into their franchise. Now in season 7, many of the Gryphons lineup were purchased in that era for a small fee and are now worth over 100x that value if placed on the market.

"I'm please with what management is providing me with" said head coach Brian Arseneault. "We got some delightful young prospects. Our academy has been unpredictable and this will give some stability to our future. Why don't you take the time to get to know some of our new players?"

We did just that. N.N. reporters interviewed the most expensive purchase first, Liks Sedej aka El Diablo a Slovenian midfielder expected to battle with Ian Jevons on right midfield.

"I am very happy to be here. This is a great club that plays in a great stadium. I have to work hard and it will pay off - just like my parents teaching me English has!" Liks chuckled. Coaches describe him as a balanced threat on the wing. He is aerially dominant and has one heck of a shot. Coaches plan to use him as the offensive RM option and Jevons as the defensive RM option.

Next on our list was Ladislav Zonyga aka Crimson Czech. He is an offensive midfield who can play anywhere but prefers the center. He is a technical whiz and mastermind ball mover.

"Guelph very nice town. Team very nice. I work hard. Gustav help me English. Thank you" said Ladislav clearly picking up English quick from his fellow countryman Gustav Beran who was purchased over a season ago. Coaches describe Ladislav as the perfect player. He is young. He is adaptable and he has an aptitude and desire to learn everything. Expect Zonyga to control the midfield of Cm-244 place for many seasons to come once he gets his feet wet here in Canada.

Also acquired was Jurģis Bužs, Ján Boží, Lennert De Fauw, Jan Nelešovský and Rolands Porgants in terms of players. These players cover all outfield positions from CB to CF and range in development time from a few months to a few seasons. OAP fans will enjoy watching them progress into superstars.

As an interesting side story, reports indicate that Lennert "William" De Fauw was acquired when an ancestor of canucks357 noticed him on a training pitch in Belgium. A few phone calls and De Fauw was transferred and is one of the most highly touted players on the team even at 15 years old.

Visitatori unici: 26
Voto del comunicato stampa: Misero - Normale - Eccellente

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