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  Comunicati stampa

2 690 744 674
Nazione: Lega:

Questo comunicato stampa è una risposta al comunicato stampa della squadra Stati Uniti Cincy Roughriders†: Cincy Roughriders Hire Legend

Stati Uniti Cincy Roughriders† - Roughriders Coach Reaches Milestone

CINCINNATI, OH - Head coach Khary Williams recently reached the season and a half mark with his club and was asked to look back over the past six months to reflect.

"It's hard to do that right now because we have two crucial games coming up. We are heavy underdogs in our National Cup game and we have a huge matchup vs the best team in our league on Sunday."

Williams stated he may rest his starters in the National Cup tie in order for them to be ready to face off against the Detroit Express on the road in what could go a long way toward deciding the league championship.

"We fought Manchester FC hard and came out with a solid result. After adding a few more pieces it will be good for the lads to see where we stand against the best team."

Visitatori unici: 8
Voto del comunicato stampa: Misero - Normale - Eccellente

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