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  Comunicati stampa

1 161 448 189
Nazione: Lega:

Filippine Spratly Islands FC† - Coach Ibrahim of Alwihdat Is A Wanker!

After totally humiliating league rival Alwihdat 7-0 in the semi-finals, coach David Cox fired a verbal barrage at his Alwihdat counterpart.

"Coach Ibrahim is nothing but a total wanker for allow proud team of proud veterans to be humiliated by us in a match as big as the Nation Cup semi-finals. To have his team enter an important match like this with absolutely no incentive to play hard is a travesty to the league, but mostly to his own club and fans."

"There's no doubt Alwihdat were large underdogs going into this match. We do believe that Alwihdat had the talent to play a good defensive game that could have led to a shoot-out. In a shoot-out anything is possible. In season 8 we were victims of a spirited Ararat club that upset us in the same semi-finals and went on to play for the National Cup. Inedeed, if Alwihdat had similarly upset us they would have been favorites going into this weeks final."

"Finally we are writing this because we want all the coaches in the league to know, while were happy to reach the National Cup finals again, this is not the way we would wish to do it. We are sad that the Alwihdat coach did the most classless thing possible and threw in the towel and walked away. We trust are final with the Lebanese Eagles will be a spirited well fought affair worthy of the great fans of the Lebanon and the Philippines."

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Voto del comunicato stampa: Misero - Normale - Eccellente

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