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Nazione: Lega:

Canada Ontario Alpha Particles - Nuclei News: Season 9, Edition 1: OAP Unveil New Kits

Ontario Alpha Particle management are pleased to unveil the team's new kits. Star players Tyson Borden, Dwight Gartlan and Lyle Durkin were on hand to display the three new outfits OAP will wear for the foreseeable future.

"We felt it was time for a chance. Our franchise has made several significant steps forward over the past couple seasons and we want a new look to reflect that. The design was a tribute to Dortmund of the Bundesliga who have built a dominant team through the development of top youth prospects. This is something our franchise has prided itself on since day one and we feel it is a fitting tribute" said canucks357.

There were then some questions from the media:

BBC Canada I.1 Reporter: "Do you feel this will have any impact on your team's performance?"
canucks357: "Look good, feel good, play good right? At the very least it'll make for a bit of a frenzy in the fan shops in the coming months."
BBC Canada I.1 Reporter: "In that case why wait until after Christmas to unveil the new threads?"
canucks357: "Christmas isn't about gifts and money. We would rather families and fans spend their hard-earned money at our pitch taking in a game with friends and family. There will be no jersey sales in the first month online, all purchases must be made at Cm-244 Place."

Globe and Mail Reporter: "Where were these jerseys made? Were you supporting Canadian jobs?"
canucks357: These jerseys were designed in Poland by Jaskóła20 and manufactured right here in Canada. The exact location is confidential as to not provide poachers from other teams to vandalize our fine product."
Globe and Mail Reporter: "You think that would actually happen?"
canucks357: "I wouldn't put it past biznow. He is one evil son of a ballerina."

Guelph Mercury Reporter: "Players, what are your thoughts on the new outfits?"
Tyson Borden: "We're thrilled to have new kits. They are high quality and tailored specifically for the Canadian climate. It should give us an edge in matches, especially towards the end of 90min when our bodies are under the most stress."

Vancouver Tribune Reporter: "Any comment on the ongoing legal battle with your hockey franchise and biznow?"
canucks357: "Not sure what that has to do with today's topic but no, there is nothing to report. He's team fell apart down the stretch and he's looking to blame someone and that someone is me. If that's what he wants that's fine on my account. After all, I'm used to it always being my fault - it is how women operate."

There was a laugh from the predominantly-male audience.

Canadian Soccer Magazine Reporter: "This question is for Lyle. Lyle, you're a new face to the Alphas and many are touting you to be the face of the future. How does that pressure make you feel?"
Lyle Durkin: "I love it. I hope to thrive under it and make this team better. If I can do anything to get some more points for our club in the league table that's all that matters. Judging from what I've learned thus far, I'll have to bide my time but I have lots to learn in the process."

Ottawa Herald Reporter: "Just to wrap up here, any thoughts on the NHL lockout?"
canucks357: "It is millionaires and billionaires arguing about money. Sounds like the exact problem with this world if you ask me. Frankly, I couldn't give two shits."

- End of Press Conference -

Visitatori unici: 18
Voto del comunicato stampa: Misero - Normale - Eccellente

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