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  مطبوعات: III.2 (کانادا)

کشور: لیگ:

کانادا Montréal City† - Montreal City - Nouveau Manager !
Creaminal est désormais le nouveau manager de Montreal City !

کانادا Wellington County FC† - Looks like 5th....
barring a blow-up against them in the last three games, the Wellington County football club will be settling for 5th this season. This would have been disappointing in many cities but the management is quite happy with the way things are progressing. This club has a nucleus of fine young players and will certainly be reckoned with!

کانادا Wellington County FC† - Wellington FC Start Season with a solid win...!
too bad it was against a nobody.. still we'll take the 3 points!

کانادا Wellington County FC† - Wellington FC get Draw with Fire Chickens!
Wellington County FC get the 1-1 draw with the HooHoo Fire Chickens and extend winning streak to 12 games... we're gonna lose sooner or later but this tie was sweet... team has really come alive over the last dozen games!

کانادا Wellington County FC† - Adding a littlr talent does the trick...
Wellington County Crows who I took over at 0-2, and worked up to a dreadful 1-3-9 record have certainly turned things around. The adding of talent in all positions has enabled the team to improve their record to 7-5-9 , good enough to be in the middle of the pack after being 21st at one point.

کانادا Wellington County FC† - LOL my goof!
I keep typing Pendant instead of Pennant....

کانادا Wellington County FC† - Wellington County FC add a Pendant!
Time to challenge is now! if your looking for a nifty new pendant for your collection!

کانادا Wellington County FC† - Finally a league win!
'nuff said... we'll take it, its been a long time coming...