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اعتبار 1330
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کشور: لیگ:

این بیانیه مطبوعاتی پاسخی برای بیانیه مطبوعاتی تیم هند Team noname 60095 است: Ready to go!!

هند Lovely FC† - New Team ; Season

I am appointed as the new manager of the team and I hope that team will play a fair game. Recently I came to know that two of my players have been badly injured and and are unfit to play for next 2 to 3 matches. Also our defender played a miserable role in tackling and got suspended for the upcoming matches. I will take care that this does not take place again.
Hope all teams play fair and have a good season.
Manager of Arsenal FC XI

بازدیدهای منحصر به فرد: 2
نمره ی بیانیه ی مطبوعاتی: ضعیف - معمولی - عالی