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  Comunicados: I.1 (Asia)

2 723 275 344
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China Taipei Valencia_TW - 15Y5命(先天5命)球員決策備忘錄
15Y5命(先天5命)球員: 1.若17Y4命就絕不留(20Y前出清) 2.若17Y仍5命,視自家小牛狀況及TW同齡同位置球員(U20NT需求)決定是否留 2-1.若不留,20Y前出清 2-2.若留,等18Y就變4命,視自家該位置小牛情況決定是否留(有可能29Y就0命了,但也有可能31Y才0命=能撐到32Y) 2-3.若留,等18Y依然5命(代表19Y才4命),則可留(能撐到32Y) 因為也有18Y才5命後續卻快速掉命(中上GK)vs天生5命後續卻續命續很長(超優GK)的例子,個人選擇接班人的教訓......

Malasia Harimau Malaysia - Asian League Top 10 Manager

Malasia Seladang FC - power play manager- malaysia
hi everyone, we invited to all of pro manager league 1.asia for follow us on facebook. every news will be updated and review there. keep support us on facebook. join us and tell us ur team and we will recognised u all in that page. many thanks.

Malasia Seladang FC - harimau malaysia
the sleeping tiger is awaken to defeat taiwanese player... plese show him no mercy guys...

Malasia Seladang FC - harimau malaysia
dasat lipak toyama ompek kosong

Malasia Seladang FC
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Malasia Harimau Malaysia
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Malasia Seladang FC
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Malasia Harimau Malaysia - Wakakaka
Team pak lawak da maiiii....

China Taipei Valencia_TW - OR衰退筆記
CL變0 第1季不掉OR 第2季每天每項掉0.06(1季OR約掉63) 第3季每天每項掉0.12(1季OR約掉126) 第4季每天每項掉0.18(1季OR約掉189) 原本就沒練的項目大概第4季中就會掉到1 若後續有人可在3季內接上的話不一定需要補新人 (CL變0起的3季OR減少不到200 若原本有練到2200+的話還可以撐至少3季) 若後續3季內接不上的話 CL變0的第2季就可以開始買1~2命的來頂了(不要花太多錢) 第2季買不到的話 第3季買的時候就要多花點錢不然人手頂不上...

Filipinas Spratly Islands FC† - Staying On.
Please ignore last pres release. Talked to a few friends here and will stay on for now. Dave

Filipinas Spratly Islands FC† - Goodbye Everyone
After 23 seasons of tough Division 1 play Spratly Islands has decided to say goodbye. I gave everything to the Champions League last season and unfortunately fell 1 game short. My concentrated effort on this goal, left me short for all tournaments this coming season. With this game obviously on the way out and the prospect of the next 4 months out of tournament competition, it seems the appropriat...

Filipinas Spratly Islands FC† - Congratulations to Krussland
Spratly Island Coach David Cox wants to be the fist to congratulate Krussland for winnng the Champions League. The first team in Asia League history to accomplish this feat. Hopefully this is an incentive for other clubs here to be proud of our league. We can compete with the best.

Filipinas Spratly Islands FC†
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Filipinas Blue-White-Dynamite† - Great honor
It's a great honor for Blue-White-Dynamite to see two of its players topping the season 19 statistics. Both players Isidoro Indo (Goal scoring leader with 98 goals) and Manuel Villamarin (Assist leader with 64 assists) emerged from Blue-White-Dynamite's own sports academy which brings extra happiness to the management. Despite individual achievements we are well aware of the very s...