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Inglaterra Gunners f.c - My Final Farewell

Hi Guys, I just wanted to send a message to you all to say thank you, it has been a pleasure and honour to have known you all over the years. Sadly after 12 and a half years and many many seasons this will be my last season in the game, I really don’t have time anymore, I have only been able to login 4 times this season in 36 matches and have just seen I have already lost my main midfielder as a free agent and also that I’m around 27 points of the top of the table which is unacceptable. I wish you all the very best of luck and thank you for the amazing competition and battles over the years. I Will truly miss the game and each and everyone of you, best of luck and thank you for the memories.

Visitas únicas: 11
Valoración del comunicado: Malo - Normal - Excelente
Inglaterra FC SHAMMICKITE UNITED ha respondido a este comunicado: All the best for the future
Inglaterra RoyaL HunterS FC-1971 ha respondido a este comunicado: Goodbye
Inglaterra FC Red`s ha respondido a este comunicado: Good luck
Inglaterra FC Barcelona "A" ha respondido a este comunicado: Good luck