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Ontario Alpha Particles:
Nuclei News: Season 5, Edition 2: Tyson Borden Placed on IR After Freak Accident

Wallaceburg Walking Dead† - The Unsettling Accusations

Reporter one: Mr. Aowyr. Due to these serious accusations about your classiness and about possibly criminal activity, do you think it's smart to be wearing that Grassmens jersey?
Aowyr: I like hughzie as a manager and a person so I support his team. Also how dare you question my attire? BANNED!
Reporter two: Wow you were actually serious. Ummm. Ok. How can you explain these pictures of your Pacifica parked just down the road from the food bank where the incident occured.
Aowyr: Your a jerk. Banned.
Reporter three: Holy crap! Your a power hungry little...
Aowyr: Banned.
Reporter four: Mr..
Aowyr: Banned! Everyone get out of my parents basement... I mean my press room. You all are big jerks. Don't make me do to you like what I did to Borden... Errrr.. I mean some random person accidently did to Borden. I'm not bitter about canucks369 or whatever that jerks name is taking my teams greatest player ever. And now my team can't even stop a football from getting in a thimble. Or my team can't get a shot on net!!! Oh my they suck so bad what did I do. This advanced stadium to house a rec league team!
Announcer: Ok everyone. That ends the press conference. Pay no attention the the grown man crying like a little girl who skinned her knee. He is just razzled by these accusations. Thats it. Security will be at the door to confinscate all cameras and recording equipment. They will be mailed back after a few minor adjustments which should take staff only a week or two. Whats that? This thing was carried on live tv? Oh crap. Anyone looking for a press announcer? I have lots of experience on the job. Please I have a wife and three kids. Get me out of this sinking ship!!
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