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  Δελτία τύπου

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Χώρα: Πρωτάθλημα:

Αγγλία Polish Galacticos† - Its a new day, its a new dawn !

Real Stortford were formed yesterday, and Manager Ward is excited about the challenge ahead. Too late in the season to challenge for promotion, so Ward will be working with his players to develop them ready for next season.

Unable to buy any new players is alien to Ward, but his coaching skills can be focused until he can sell those that have not bought into his winning mentality, and buy in some experience and quality to improve what is a very young and entusiastic team.

Ward looks forward to his reign and working with his fellow managers to entertain !

Μοναδικές απόψεις: 8
Βαθμολόγηση δελτίου τύπου: Φτωχό - Κανονικό - Άριστος
Η ομάδα Αγγλία Camms Cloggers† αντέδρασε σε αυτό το δελτίο τύπου: Great Whites to challenge for promotion next season