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Αυτό το δελτίο τύπου είναι αντίδραση στο δελτίο τύπου της ομάδας ΗΠΑ France City†: Talent

ΗΠΑ Notre Dame Fighting Irish 83941 † - Ahhh okkk....

How exactly am I going to fuk the USA???

The best guys on my team train like .25 points a day, so they are never going to get any good until my traing gets way better. My sporting school is terrible too so I'm not going to get any good prospects from there any time soon.

My plan is to buy some players from anywhere real cheap to hopefully get up to at least the 3rd league in the next few seasons, so that I can get more sponsershilp money, and then try to build up my arena, training and sports school as quickly as possible. Then once those get to respectable levels I will try to develop an all american team that can grow up together. If I try to develop my young guys now they will never amount to anything cuz my trainins levels are awful compared to others.

The only people who can fuk the USA are the ones with high training and sports schools that have foreign teams. Guys like us are never going to get any good prospects or be able to train them at a decent rate.

Truth is that I would be hurting the USA by buying american players right now, it's better if people with good training facilities have all the american players.

I've been asking people who have been on here for awhile what I should be doing, so I'm pretty sure I'll be alright doing what I'm doing.

But I'd like to hear more from you about how I'm fuking the US???

Μοναδικές απόψεις: 29
Βαθμολόγηση δελτίου τύπου: Φτωχό - Κανονικό - Άριστος
Η ομάδα ΗΠΑ France City† αντέδρασε σε αυτό το δελτίο τύπου:
Η ομάδα ΗΠΑ NYCFC† αντέδρασε σε αυτό το δελτίο τύπου: beat la "superstars"