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Filipinas Spratly Islands FC† - Raiders Hold Fire Sale

Today Coach David Cox told a press conference the club would conducting a "fire sale of 10 of its top players. As mentioned in the last release the club wishes to consolidate and work on a group of core players to one day make it to the champions league. It was hard to part with ten talented players, but at this stage we felt it was the right thing to do."

"A lot of people may fairly ask how good they really are. 9 out 10 of them started in yesterdays victory over the Mighty Lions. As this coach has always admitted, the Lions are one of the toughest clubs in Asia." Let me assure these are all Raider tough professionals."

"In other news this week the Raiders scored a coupe by grabbing Normans Plauseris a top 20 year old Latvian striker. Apparently the highly rated Latvians were not impressed that Plauseris's contract was bought out by the Raiders. He was immediately dropped from their Under 20 squad. Seems they were not happy at all with Raiders bagging him. Frankly we dont care"

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